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    Sunday, April 5, 2020

    Plants vs Zombies Weekly Penny's Pursuit Discussion #5: Dandelion's Legions of the Undead Side 1

    Plants vs Zombies Weekly Penny's Pursuit Discussion #5: Dandelion's Legions of the Undead Side 1

    Weekly Penny's Pursuit Discussion #5: Dandelion's Legions of the Undead Side 1

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    For the sake of consistency, all of the levels will be on Extra Hot difficulty

    If an * is on the layout section, it means there is a score system in play as well

    Level 1:

    Arena Lawn, Endangered Sunflower on Column 4 Row 3, Last Stand 3250 Sun, Survive for 3 Minutes *

    Plants: Selectable, Fire Peashooter automatically, Blover, Hypno Shroom, Electric Blueberry, Shrinking Violet, and Caulipower are banned

    Bonus Objectives: Save Our Seeds, Score 6 Million Points

    This level really is just easy. You have Fire Peashooter automatically chosen for you, and it performs very well on this level. Troglobites are really irrelevant if you throw in some explosives, and I found that even without choosing Sun Producers, you can beat this level no sweat. Dragon Imps are only slightly terrifying but Primal Potato Mines and Hurricale will hold them off. Difficulty 1/5

    Level 2:

    Dark Ages, Endangered Magnet Shrooms on Column 6 Rows 1, 3 and 5

    Plants: Selectable, All Enabled

    Bonus Objectives: Save Our Seeds, Don't Let The Zombies Trample The Flowers (Column 5)

    Now this level is honestly a mixed bag. It isn't all that difficult if you can keep the zombies under control, but it's no pushover either. Finding a good balance is honestly quite nice on this level, what with the endangered plants being most certainly protected by attraction plants. Difficulty 3/5

    Level 3:

    Modern Day, Last Stand 1450 Sun

    Plants: Selectable, All Sun Producers, Iceberg Lettuce, Melon Pult, Puff Shroom, Blover, Stallia, and all Power Mints are banned

    Bonus Objectives: Chill 100 Zombies, Don't Lose Any Plants (Optional)

    Let's just casually ignore the fact that the bonus objectives are nearly impossible. Chilling 100 Zombies may seem fine, unless you're F2P. In which case, your options are extremely limited, to Winter Melon and that's basically it. Let's also ignore that this level is extremely unfair with the zombie types it throws at you. This is brutal. I have no regrets calling this the hardest level of the week, due to the unfair combination of Zcorpions, Gargs, Explorers, and high armored zombies. Just use Primal Peashooter and hope for the best of luck, fellow F2Ps. Difficulty 5/5

    Level 4:

    Frostbite Caves, Upward Ice Floes on Column 3 Row 5, Column 4 Row 3, Column 6 Row 4, and Column 7 Row 2, Downward Ice Floes on Column 2 Row 1 and Column 9 Row 3. Frozen Sunflowers on Column 1 Rows 1 and 5, Frozen Roman Zombies on Column 7 Row 1 and Column 8 Row 5

    Plants: Locked and Loaded, Sunflower, Wall Nut, Fire Peashooter, Rotobaga, and Stunion

    Bonus Objectives: Defeat 2 Zombie Yetis, Don't Let The Zombies Trample The Flowers (Column 4)

    Does this level remind you of anything? Well it's actually using the template of Frostbite Caves Day 31, even down to the plant types. Shocker right? A few levels this week actually follow this same formula. Anyways, this is an easy level ramped up by a lot. The Yetis are extremely fast for absolutely no reason, and they can wipe out your defense in a flash. You can get overwhelmed quickly if you don't know what to do, just make sure you farm hard early on and hope for good RNG. Difficulty 4/5

    Level 5:

    Space Time World *

    Plants: Selectable, All Enabled

    Bonus Objectives: Use Plant Fooded Hypno Shroom on 10 Zombies, Score 3 Million Points

    First thing I must say, without Power Lily or the Plant Food Penny Perk, the bonus objective is 100% impossible without buying Plant Food. Bad design. You know what else is bad design? Hypno Shroom isn't automatically given, so if you don't have it, too bad I guess. You know it EVEN WORSE design? Roman Healers are in this level, and they are able to turn hypnotized zombies back to normal... which means you'll have tons of Gargantuars suddenly against you. Ugh, well if you plan it right an eliminate the Healer's optimally, it isn't all too bad. Difficulty 2/5

    Zomboss Fight:

    Zombot Sphinxinator, Mold on Last 4 Columns

    Plants: Selectable, All Enabled, 5 Plant Slots

    Fight Objective: Destroy 7 Health Bars in 180 Seconds

    This fight is more or less an average Zomboss Fight. There are Tomb Raiser Zombies which are annoying to say the least. Zcorpions ruin your day, like always. Roman Healers are as annoying as ever, this fight truthfully doesn't bring too much to the table. Difficulty 4/5

    submitted by /u/DJ_Tile_Turnip
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    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:06 PM PDT

    PvZ imitates life

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:48 PM PDT

    When you're a 3d model for no reason

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    19k sun for a tile turnip?! What a deal!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 05:30 PM PDT

    Why nobody talks about the "zombie face glitch" thing? There's basically no actual information about it

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    FUN FACT: Both of these 'siblings' are shop-owners from their respective games created by the same ol' George Fan (THIS IS NOT A SHIP WHEN COMES TO TWO CHARACTERS IN ONE ART. GEEZzz)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    Ea be like

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 07:31 PM PDT

    Shroom Plant: Modify

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 03:11 PM PDT

    Making Pixel Art of Plants- Day 3: Potato Mine

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:01 PM PDT

    Probably don't need this part now.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

    Another underestimated plant

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:24 PM PDT


    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    Epic Fail

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    Rearranging plant family (From my own opinion)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 12:01 AM PDT

    I just changed some plant's family that I wish,

    which could buff, or purely rearranging plant family based on their ability.

    Your opinions are welcome and notice that It's my personal opinion, not official.

    • Chili bean

    Ail-mint -> Contain-mint

    - Chili bean's main ability is stunning zombies with the gas. It sounds much familiar in contain-mint family, not ail-mint family.

    • Magnet-shroom

    Contain-mint -> Ail-mint

    - Magnet-shroom's ability is not really fitting in neither contain-mint nor Ail-mint, but it's mushroom. Being in Ail-mint family let Magnet-shroom team up with other mushrooms.

    • E.M.Peach

    Fila-mint -> Contain-mint

    - Similar reason as Chili bean. btw is this plant really worth to granting any plant family???

    • Dandelion

    Appease-mint -> Bombard-mint

    - There are too much plants in Appease-mint family. We need separate some.

    • Imp pear

    Ail-mint -> Enchant-mint

    - The whole concept seems more like an enchant-mint plant. transforming zombies into a smaller one, just like the Shrinking Violet!

    • Garlic

    Ail-mint -> Reinforce-mint

    - Garlic seriously need buffs, such as Reinforce-mint's free plant food ability. Also the garlic itself doesn't really match with Ail-mint family at all.

    • Aloe

    Reinforce-mint -> Enchant-mint

    I know it can combo with defensive plants. However, when you use Reinforce-mint's effect, the Aloe's targets are already fully healed with additional toughness, which make aloe's plant food ability (overheal) almost useless. Therefor, separating Aloe seems necessary to utilize the healing ability more effectively.

    submitted by /u/csb1838
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    Defense from hell

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:19 PM PDT

    Just a question to whoever decided wild west day 35 was a good idea

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 04:08 PM PDT

    WHY? It's not even based off the player's skill, it's just RNG. Your victory is determined by your luck during the fight. Here's a few things that make this level insufferable:

    • Firstly the level gives no plants - NOT A SINGLE ONE - that are offensive on their own, so no constant damage to Zomboss. (Hypno Shroom, Electric Currant, Spikeweed, Iceberg Lettuce, and Wall-nut. Not a single one damages Zomboss without the help of plant food. And only one directly damages him when boosted.)
    • Zomboss insta-kills your hypnotized gargantuars, meaning you have to rely on a moment where the AI is too stupid to move out of the way of their giant branding sticks. Even then, only one third of the health bar is depleted by the time Zomboss skedaddles. A wagon-head zombie survives being landed on by Zomboss. I think this was either made to make it even harder to win or just a really bad design flaw. Because clearly a gargantuar has more health than a wagon-head.
    • SO. MANY. GODDAMN. MISSILES AND ZOMBOT CHARGES. Seriously, while I played through for the umpteenth time some missiles hadn't even landed until Zomboss aimed the next ones. He clears the board in a matter of seconds. I don't think you can blame the player, either. It happens way too fast for them to do anything about it, except for boosting one plant and praying the game doesn't glitch out and kill it in the midst of its boosted animation.
    • On a similar note, too many chickens. At one point all I could hear was chickens exploding into feathers. They're way too fast. The game spams them so much that eventually they eat through your defense in seconds, and even manage to survive the electric currants if there's enough. I don't know how that makes sense, because the currants make a wall of constant damage. Hypno shrooms and spikeweed are the only reliable ones to deal with the chickens (from my experience), but other zombies eat the hypno shrooms first because there's just that many chickens or Zomboss missiles my spikeweeds just as the chickens pass over them.
    • In the last stage, which I've only reached twice, Zomboss sends out gargantuars. How on earth is the player supposed to deal with them?!! All the damage the given plants do is trivial compared to their health bar. I guess you could freeze them in the middle of an electric currant's current but the lettuce might hit another zombie hidden behind the gargantuar or it will work but everything else that's happening kills you first. Speaking of the zombies behind the gargantuar, there's basically no way for me to hypnotize those zombies in gargs either. Because of their positioning behind the gargantuar, the hypno shroom will likely get squashed first. In all my tries of playing this level, I've only beaten gargantuars by flicking them in Zomboss's path.

    Anything I'm missing?

    submitted by /u/Stalker111121
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    Strategy for ZNZQ

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 12:07 PM PDT

    How can I encounter #caketank and Barrelhead Zombie in PvZ 2?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    I'm trying to complete the Almanac, but I just can't find anywhere to encounter these two. Is there anywhere I can easily find them? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Endobyte
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    Found a cheater

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 02:25 PM PDT


    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    Should be a shine vine?

    Posted: 04 Apr 2020 08:16 PM PDT

    Is it good?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    Column Like You See 'Em was an unused minigame in PvZ2. From 2014.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 01:34 AM PDT

    PvZ2 April Arena run

    Posted: 05 Apr 2020 01:09 AM PDT

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