• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 7, 2020

    Plants vs Zombies After some research, I've concluded that imps are immune to radiation

    Plants vs Zombies After some research, I've concluded that imps are immune to radiation

    After some research, I've concluded that imps are immune to radiation

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:33 PM PDT

    My brother's lawn after beating modern day lvl 1

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:24 AM PDT

    At least it works

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 01:18 PM PDT

    First level 10 plant

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:32 AM PDT

    Am I the only person who thinks PvZ3 Starfruit looks uglier than PvZ1 & PvZ2 Starfruit? Also PvZ3 Starfruit (IMO) looks like cheese/he has holes

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 10:09 PM PDT

    Hi! So I've been trying for some time now to get pvz2 Chinese edition. Does anybody know a link or a way to download either it or pvz Journey to the West?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    Me watching the music video after so many years

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:47 AM PDT

    Dandelion on pirate seas day 22 is so satisfying

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:04 PM PDT

    Making Pixel Art of Plants- Day 5: Snow Pea

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:50 PM PDT

    Made some art so ya

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:51 PM PDT

    Please enjoy this cursed image lmao. Also, can somebody tell me who made this?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    [SUGGESTION] Quality Of Life Improvements

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    1) Plants that are shovelled up should have their sun automatically collected (like in Last Stand planting phase) without the need for us to collect them 2) Customizable configuration such as size and position for plant seed packets, plantfood, powerups and other buttons you can tap on the screen 3) Option to select x2 or x3 rewards in Penny Pursuit t a higher fuel cost so we don't have to keep playing the same boring levels repeatedly 4) Show health bars for mini-bosses such as the Cardio Zombie and the Imp Mech, that way we can easily determine which plants are most effective against them dps wise 5) Arena League rework, make it so that players would have to reach a certain trophy range to climb up the leagues instead of being in the top 3 per tournament. There are way too many no-lifers in higher leagues and not many people has the incentive to no-life to be on par with them.

    submitted by /u/RiriIsHere
    [link] [comments]

    Comprehensive Feedback on PvZ3

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 05:40 PM PDT

    Hi. Just as the title says, this is my comprehensive feedback. I have spent many, many hours pondering and writing these ideas. I have tried my best to give substantive suggestions; not just what is wrong, but also how to make it right. Lastly, note that I primarily focus on the negative things here, because those are the ones requiring change. There are plenty of good parts to this game as well.

    Hope you enjoy!

    A common theme throughout this article will be ways to encourage players to use a diverse set of plants. Let's kick this theme off with my first suggestion: Let us have more than 6 slots. By restricting the number of plants I can take, you discourage me from upgrading a variety of plants, because I know I won't end up having enough space to take other plants anyway. Either give us 8-9 slots and remove switching plants in Stage 2 completely, or keep it at 6 but let us change plants Stage 2 everywhere, including the tower.

    Feedback on the arena.

    I enjoyed the arena in the Pre-Alpha release. There definitely was a lot of strategy involved, and I say this as a person who got #1 in Ultimate Birthday. Unfortunately, there are huge problems now. Right now, the arena is more about grinding than finding proper strategies. This is why I'd strongly suggest implementing a mechanism by which, if you are about to pass someone in your leaderboard, you are highly favored to get matched with that person. It's only fair to have to face someone directly if you want to be ranked above them. If you implement this, the arena will finally again be about who has the best strategy.

    Another problem is that when winning against someone with even a couple hundred trophies less than you, you only get 5 trophies, but if you lose, you end up losing too many. I have seen someone lose over 400 trophies in 1 game. Please cap the number of trophies you can lose per game at 50, and make sure each win gives at least 15 trophies.

    I suggest that if you beat your opponent's score by, say, 35%, you should get double the trophies you would have earned if you had won with a smaller margin. A tiny win should not give the same number of trophies as a huge win.

    It would be great if we could have a league-wide leaderboard, where your highest score in the arena for the week would be displayed. Naturally, the people who got the highest high-scores would get some sort of a sweet reward.

    It would be cool if we had an arena streak like the one in PvZ2. It would also be great if we had a separate global weekly leaderboard ranking everyone in a league by their high scores.

    Finally, I would like to mention that if I were in charge of the arena, I would completely rework the system. You see, trophies are not really a measure of skill. What is a better measure of skill is winrate. There's a problem though; a player who won their first match would have a winrate of 100%, which is the same as someone who won 50/50 matches. Clearly, the algorithm should rank the latter above the former. The mathematically rigorous way of ranking by winrate is to add 1 to the denominator. So then the former player would have a winrate of 1/2, which is much lower than 50/51. If you would like to learn more about the mathematics of why adding 1 is the right thing to do, you can watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8idr1WZ1A7Q&feature=emb_title

    Anyway, I would then have the algorithm match you with people with similar winrates, calculated in this way, and then the leaderboard would rank people by these winrates.

    Alternatively, you could keep the trophies and match people in the following way. First, calculate the percentile of the number of trophies you have. Maybe you have 2k trophies, and say that currently puts you in the 1.7th percentile of trophies. Then you will get matched with a random person with a score in the top 1.7% of scores. Then the number of trophies you earn depends on the percentile ranking of the opponent's score. For example, if you get matched with a person with a score in the 1.6th percentile, maybe you get 20 trophies, and if you get matched with a person in the 0.6th percentile, you will get something like 60 trophies.


    I am the leader of the club "The Rockers", home to many of the best players. But I have trouble screening players before accepting them because you cannot even see the level of the players applying. Please let us see the levels of the players who apply.

    Also, there should be a way that leaders can directly message the people in their clan. I need this feature to ask after the inactive people in the club so I can screen who to kick.

    It would be fun if there were "Club Events". One type of event would be a specific hard level. After a member beats the level, the club gains 1 point. At the end of the event, everyone who participated would get a reward based on the total number of points the club earned. I personally think the level should be a conveyor belt level where everyone has the same level plants.

    Another type of event would be the club battle. Each club should have a "Club Power," which is the sum of the levels of all players in the club. In a club battle, two clubs with a similar Club Power would be matched against each other. The "Club Score" would be the sum of all the scores each player earned on a specific level. The level would be an endless mode styled level, with each wave getting harder and harder. The winning club would be the one with a higher Club Score. Then all players in the winning club can collect a specific reward.


    I feel like games are too short right now, especially in the arena. In Silver Donut, I was playing 5 games in 8 minutes. It was extremely repetitive. With longer games, and stronger final waves, more strategy would be involved, and players wouldn't have to play the same game 100 times over, since each game takes longer, meaning everyone would end up playing fewer games.

    Also, I'm not going to lie... the game is not in a good place when one can complete the whole tower in 1 week. This is mostly due to 3 things that should be addressed.

    STALLING. Just don't kill the last zombie in Stage 1. Keep it eating something like a Wallnut. Meanwhile you can fill the board with plants. Address this by cutting off the production of sun 45 seconds after you are down to 1 zombie.

    RESTARTING. If you restart your game in the middle of a tower level, you restart the level for free. Address this by causing a life to be lost if you restart the game mid-level.

    POTATO MINE. Makes too many mines with PF. Make its PF upgrades sometimes increase damage of the spawned mines.

    Plants & Zombies & Buildings

    There's a mechanism in place that makes freeze/chill/push/stun plants obsolete. When the zombie level is 4 or more levels above the plant, the freeze/chill/push/stun part of the plant is severely reduced. For example, if you give PF to a level 10 Wallnut, a level 16 zombie gets pushed like 1/2 a title, instead of 4 tiles. This is a great way to trick players (you see one description and another thing happens), and it's also a great way to all at once ruin Pushywillow, Chard, Buttercup, Snowpea, Kalestorm, Kernel Pult, Butternut Squash, and Ragweed, as well as a bunch of PF&Taco abilities. The only way to use any of these plants throw all our coins at seeds for one of these plants, which is the exact opposite of what you should be trying to encourage. Please get rid of this absolutely terrible mechanism and make these plants useful!

    Starfruit is pathetic. Zombies are barely ever in it's range. Maybe a zombie is in its range for 5 seconds and then it's not any more! Either double the damage of Starfruit or make it cost 3 sun.

    Gravitree has potential but again, its range is too small. You can't protect it with Wallnut because if you do, its apples don't go far enough to do damage. Double its health to compensate. I'd also suggest that it can hold 3 apples in orbit after growing once, and 5 after growing to full size.

    Gloom shroom has the same problem as Gravitree. Change the length of its range in its lane to that of Bonk Choy's

    Why does a tacoed Bonk Choy's uppercut not create a fireball?

    Lighting Reed is truly pathetic. It basically just tickles zombies, and it's expensive tickling with a cost of 6 sun! Either double its damage or make it cost 3.

    Blockbuster also just tickles. It needs to get double damage.

    Chomper should do the same damage as Squash.

    Lemon-Aid is a good plant, but 3% extra speed per upgrade is just not enough. 5% would be fair.

    Wall-nut's extra health from its Taco-Ability does not scale with Wall-nut's overall level, quickly making the extra health obsolete. Garlic has the same issue, and maybe Dogwood, but it might just be visual for Dogwood. I think I remember Kernel Corn also having this problem (the plant is not in this version.)

    What does Nightcap's Taco Ability do?? I don't see anything happen even though the shadow barrier is supposed to be 100%.

    Caramel Popcorn should cost the same as Kernel Pult.

    Peashooter... I know it's a basic plant, but why is it always so weak in every game? I propose a radical ability. You know how common plants start at lvl1, rares at lvl 3, etc? Well Peashooter's base level could be the level of the lowest leveled common plant (other than Peashooter itself.) For example, say that all my common plants, other than Peashooter, are at least level 3. Then my Peashooter would automatically have a base level of 3. Say I then upgrade Peashooter twice. It would then become lvl 5. But now say I upgrade all the other common plants, so that every other common plant is at least lvl4. Then Peashooter's level would automatically be increased to 6! This would encourage people to upgrade a variety of plants.

    Fairy Ring Mushroom is too strong. It also is too similar to Gloom Shroom. It would be fair to make it only be able to attack in the rows above and below it (and in particular, not on its row).

    Kalestorm is too weak because you can only play 1. I suggest that it should throw snowballs down 3 adjacent lanes, but only 1 snowball per lane.

    Blackberry is not in this version, but I remember it needing a serious buff due to it attacking zombies at the back while being eaten. Increase its base damage by 50%.

    Dog walker should interact with Dogwood somehow! I suggest the 2 dogs just start barking at each other... in particular, Dog walker should stop advancing when it hears Dogwood's bark.

    In terms of overpowered zombies, I'm looking at Jetpack and Drone. Levels with these guys are just way harder than other levels. This is in large part because of a lack of strong lobber plants early on. Move Melon to an earlier floor and decrease Jetpack and Drone's health by 20%.

    Sunbather Zombie just doesn't absorb enough sun to be a problem. Either increase the rate of sun soaking by 30% or do something more radical... decrease the rate of sun soaking by 20% but make it so that you don't get the sun back once you destroy the sun absorber.

    Pizza Delivery Zombie should not be able to throw pizzas over trees. Instead, it should attempt to throw pizzas at trees, but the trees should be immune to the pizzas. This would encourage people to use trees (Dogwood and Gravitree). Similarly, Plunger Zombie and Pitchfork Zombie should both attempt, and fail, to use their abillties on trees. Lastly, King of the Grill gargantuar should only be able to toss trees backwards one tile at a time.

    Similar to Sunbather, Crossing Guard needs to use his ability 30% more often. I'd also like to see it be able to put multiple cones on one zombie.

    Safe Cracker is not in this version, but it was too weak when it was around. Their health is just too low and Wall-nut destroys them. Increase their bite damage to that of Imp's.

    Firewall zombie is weak. It could be the perfect opportunity to get people to use plants like piercing plants or plants that attack backwards. Make the firewall actually burn plants, doing massive damage, and increase its speed by 20-30% so it can actually reach your plants without getting, say, squashed. But make it extra susceptible to plants that bypass the firewall by cutting the health of the zombie coding the firewall in half.

    As for buildings, Your House is extremely weak. Why would I spend 4k coins upping it from level 3 to 4 just for 1 more (usually common) seed per 1.5 hrs? To make matters worse, it is the only generator building which does not stack the resources it produces. Make the number of seeds it produces per hour double with each upgrade (lvl 1 should just give 1 seed), and make the resources stack before maxing out 9 hours later.

    The Bank was nerfed crazily this update. Considering that all coin costs were reduced, it would be fine, but also the time before the resources max out and stop stacking was reduced to 4 hours. That is down from over 8 hours before. Let people have a proper night's sleep and increase the time before coins max out to 9 hours.

    Last but not least in this section, here are some ideas for new plants, zombies, and buildings:

    Double Mint: 9 cost Legendary shooter. Shoots 1 leaf every 2 seconds. Leaves have a base damage of 120 (so its base displayed damage per second is 60, the same as Fairy Ring.) Leaves can hit as many zombies as there are in the lane. When a leave hits a zombie, its damage doubles. For example if there are 3 zombies in Mint's lane, the first one would take 120 damage, the second 240, and the third would take 480. Mint's PF would be to send some number of needles down each lane, and the needles would come from both ends of the lawn and go both forward and backward. Mint's taco ability would be to increase the damage exponential rate, i.e. taco level 1 would make each leave triple its damage upon impact with a zombie, and taco level 2 would make the damage quadruple, etc.

    Taco Tree: 7 cost Legendary tree. Its ability is best explained with an example. Say you have two lobbers in play, side by side. Then you can plant the tree on then, like you plant Cob Cannon over 2 kernel pults in PvZ1. Taco Tree would then give a taco to all lobbers. And if you planted it on 2 scrappers, it would taco all scrappers, etc.

    We need more support plants, especially since they are really good at creating synergies, and synergies can really add strategy to the game. Here are some ideas.

    Blooming Hearts: 4 cost Epic Support. Plant this on a plant. Each time that plant damages a zombie, the zombie takes 50% more damage. For example, if you buff a level 1 peashooter with Blooming Hearts, then a zombie would take 10,15,20... damage per pea. This works best with fast attacking plants.

    Coffee Bean: 4 cost Epic Support. Plant this on a plant. Each time that plant destroys a zombie, Coffee Bean increases the speed of the next 3 attacks by that plant by 100%. Each upgrade to Coffee Bean increases the speed buff by 20% (so a level 9 bean would buff by 260%.)

    Ra Zombie: Double the cost of all your plants. Base health: 40. The ability is not additive, e.g two Ras would not quadruple the cost of your plants. This would help discourage players from relying on a single, expensive plant, like melon.

    Overstuffed Zombie: Heals itself to full and adds a base of 500 health every time it destroys a plant. Also doubles its bite damage. Base health: 1000. This is to discourage players from just spamming walls.

    Hungry Zombie: When you play a Plantfood, it steals one of your Plantfoods. It will stick around and steal one of your PF even if the plant's PF ability destroys it, similar to how Shakespeare Zombie sticks around. Food once eaten is gone forever; it does not return your PF even when destroyed. This is to discourage players from just relying on Plantfood to complete most of a level (which was my tower strategy.)

    Headless Zombie: When this reaches a plant, it puts that plant on its neck, and that plant starts attacking your plants, like in Zombotany from PvZ1. Base health: 190. You must do enough damage to destroy the plant on its neck before you can damage the zombie itself.

    Pig Zombie: Eats all projectiles which would have damaged this by at least 10% of its original health. Instead of taking the damage, it heals itself by that much. Base health: 250. For example, if you shoot a 24 damage projectile at it, it would take the damage like any other zombie, but if you shot a 25 damage projectile at it, instead of losing 25 health, it would gain 25 health. This would encourage players not to spam their coins on upgrading a single, powerful plant, because high level plants would shoot high power projectiles.

    Windmill: Building. Gives you a 1 time use Blover. Blover blows away all flying zombies, but also can now blow walking zombies backwards. Upgrades would increase the blow time.

    Mine: Building. Gives you 2 gems per hour, which stacks for 9 hours. Upgrades increase the number of gems produced in the same way as BBQ Stand.

    Mountain Peak: Building. Gives you an Ice Shroom, which freezes all zombies for a given, upgradeable amount of time.

    Casino: Building. Gives you a specific, upgradeable chance of doubling a reward when you collect it.

    Gym: Building. When you play a plant, this gives you a specific, upgradeable chance of having that plant recharge instantly.

    Pricing & Levels & Seed Requirements

    Plants that are unlocked later in the tower end up having a much lower level than those unlocked early. This encourages people to just ignore those later plants and use the earlier unlocked plants. Fix this by implementing a feature that is unlocked on floor 20. This feature allows future plants to instantly be leveled up to the average level of plants of that type. For example, if the average level of my common plants is 5, the next common plant I unlock will instantly be leveled up to 5. This feature also encourages players to level up plants that have a low level, because low level upgrades are cheap, and every upgrade increases the average by the same amount. Note that I am not saying to change the base level (the base level is level 1 for commons, level 3 for rares, etc), so to level that lvl 5 common plant to lvl 6, you would still need the normal number of seeds, 20, not 8.

    After playing a breakout battle, you occasionally get a deal to spend gems for seeds. The price for 1 epic seed is 22 gems! That's way too much. Even 10 gems per seed is too much... for example, to get an epic plant from level 8 to 9, you need 20 seeds, which would cost 200 gems! Make it 6 gems per epic seed, or less.

    The cost of refreshing a store deal with gems is too much. You could just wait 6 more hours, and then you would refresh the deals automatically, and you could watch 5 ads to refresh the deals 5 more times! Consider skeleton keys or gloves. There, you spend 20 gems, and you get the equivalent of 5 ads. So either keep the refresh cost at 25, but make it so that you can immediately watch 5 more deal refreshing ads afterwards, or cut the cost of a refresh to 5 gems.

    Level 5 Taco Ability and PF Ability cost too much. It takes over 6 times as many coins to get from PF/Taco level 4 to 5 as level 3 to 4!

    Store pinatas are waay too expensive! A silver pinata for 100 gems?? It's so easy to get those from The Star Tree! A silver pinata should cost 20-25 gems. Why is this fair? Well, consider that you can summon a breakout for 20 gems, and the seeds & coins earned from the breakouts are usually already more than a silver pinata! That is not even considering the stars earned, which will get you a Silver Pinata from The Star Tree! So clearly, summoning a breakout is a better deal even if the silver pinata costed 20 gems. Similarly, if you do the math, you will find that a Gold Pinata should cost about 60 gems, and a Turbo-Outrageous should cost about 250 gems.

    If you add up the total number of seeds you need to get a common plant to level 20, you get 2845 seeds. For rares, it's 1345. For epics, it's 895. For legendaries, it's 670. So the ratio of common:rare:epic:legendary seed drop rate really should be about 12:6:4:3. Adjusting for the fact that there are only 2 legendary plants and slightly more common plants than others types, the ratio turns into 16:10:6:1. Right now, it's about 80:22:7:1. That means that commons and rares eventually completely outstrip the other types. In the beginning, the more exotic plants are higher leveled, since they start that way, so low level pinatas don't need to be changed. However, higher level pinatas should give seeds in a ratio more akin to 16:10:6:1.

    Now, in the store, the price of seeds shouldn't depend on the number of plants of that type in the game, so the ratio should be the 12:6:4:3 ratio. According to this ratio, and other considerations such as the fact that it's too easy to level up common plants right now, I'll give you what I think would be a fair price of seeds from the store. The cost of each common seed in the store should be 30. Each rare should cost 65. Each epic should cost 90. And each legendary should cost 150.


    Breakouts are a seriously dumb grind. You concede matches until your breakout strength is negative, and then you can just breeze through them with your eyes half closed. Here's a suggestion on how to make breakouts less boring.

    Make the "base strength" of a breakout the same as your current team power. Then you can modify the strength by adding or subtracting 100 from the breakout strength. Whenever you add or subtract 100 strength from the breakout, you add or subtract 1 star from what you will earn once you beat the breakout. If you don't modify the strength at all, you will get 3 stars per win.

    For example, say your team strength is 781, and say you increase the z strength 6 times. Then the breakout strength will be 1381, and if you manage to beat it, you will get 9 stars.


    Currently, the events are too easy to complete and give too few rewards. Also, there are too few events, and the events are all too similar and not at all interesting to complete. Here are some suggestions for more interesting events.

    This is one of my favorite ideas. I strongly recommend implementing "Plant Events." Each plant has its own 1 day long event where the following occurs:

    A. When you select the plant to be in your team of 6 plants, it increases its level to 2 above that of your highest level plant that you did not select. This is perfect for encouraging people to leave behind their highest level plant and try out new plants.

    B. Upgrading the plant and buying its seeds in the store will cost 20% less coins during the event. Nothing is like a sale in encouraging people to spend and try out the plant!

    C. Every store refresh will have that plant for sale, so if people want to spend and try out the plant, they can!

    We could also have "Building Events." Each building could have its own event where it doubles its abilities for a day.


    Quests don't currently exist in the game, but I think they would be perfect for encouraging diversity! We could have a 10 part "quest" for each plant, like PvZH has for each hero. The quests would grant rewards for getting a plant to a certain level, or using the plant in a certain way. For example, for Aloe, there would be "The Aloe Quest." Part 1 could be "Unlock Aloe. Reward: 200 coins + 10 gems." Part 2 could be "Level Aloe to 8. Reward: 1k coins + 30 gems." Part 3 could be "Plant 10 Aloes beside Puff Shrooms. Reward: 10 Aloe Seeds +10 gems." Part 4 could be "Level Aloe to 11. Reward: 2k coins + 20 gems." Part 5 could be "Plant 20 Aloes beside Buttercups. Reward: 20 Aloe seeds + 20 gems." Part 6 could be "Buy 50 aloe seeds from the shop. Reward: 80 gems." Part 7 could be "Level Aloe to 14. Reward: Gold Pinata + 40 gems." Part 8 could be "Chill 100 zombies with Aloe's Taco Ability. Reward: 50 Aloe Seeds." Part 9 could be "Level Aloe to 17. Reward: Spectacular Pinata + 50 gems." Part 10 could be "Level Aloe to 20. Reward: Turbo-Outrageous Pinata + 3k coins + 50 gems."

    It would also be cool if we could have quests that keep track of, and give rewards for, the total number of trophies we have earned, the total number of points we have scored, the total number of stars we have collected, the total number of gems&coins&flasks&sauce we have earned.

    Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments below.

    submitted by /u/SilentIgmaRockers
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    What mint is the best mint?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:08 AM PDT

    Have you ever sat down and wondered. "Wow, I really have nothing to do in life. I did this week's penny pursuit and arena. I spend all day long in front of my phone and that's why I have class 3 obesity. I should check PVZ2 reddit." And you see a person asking what's the best mint in the game. Which mint IS the best Mint? My favourites are Spear Mint or Bombard Mint :D

    submitted by /u/LethaIDoses
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    The best PVZ Layout I've done

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 02:43 PM PDT

    Can anyone help me? I've waited for 2 minutes and PvZ2 still looks like this! :(

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    Check out this video

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 02:59 AM PDT

    [Penny's Pursuit] Level 5 Bonus Objectives Hypnoshrooms and score How to

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Solar Tomato Arena

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 04:26 PM PDT

    This happened in today's Pinata Party, making it unplayable. I had to waste 1000 coins to fix it.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 12:16 PM PDT

    How 2 beat floor 13?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 06:48 PM PDT

    Rotobaga VS Starfruit [DEBATE]

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 09:49 PM PDT

    Ok, I prefer Rotobaga to be honest, but last time I posted a tier list I got tons of hate for like Rotobaga and hating on Starfruit lmao. I wanna know what people prefer, and I will make similar posts like this where the plants are basically the same on this r/.

    submitted by /u/LethaIDoses
    [link] [comments]

    I just recently noticed something... why does Spikeweed have a Toughness stat?

    Posted: 06 Apr 2020 07:20 AM PDT

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