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    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Plants vs Zombies Me and the bois before Corona

    Plants vs Zombies Me and the bois before Corona

    Me and the bois before Corona

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:17 AM PDT

    Meme's kinda dead but here you go

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 04:36 PM PDT

    Ah yes, symmetry

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:12 AM PDT


    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    Bernie we're gonna be rich!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    Tombstones for FC and LC has been added to the game

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    It's this time of year again, huh.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:29 PM PDT

    [PvZ2 Bug] Having to delete cache to be able to watch ads

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 05:09 AM PDT

    This bug appears for me from time to time, then disappears after a few days or weeks.

    I watch an ad for gems or something, then I wait for the ad button to appear again. I click the button and it disappears, like there were no available ads. No matter how many times I try, I can't watch an ad. The only solution is force closing the app and deleting cache. After that I can watch one more and it happens again.

    It has happened to me in several versions of the app, even in the latest one. Restarting my phone or even reinstalling the app didn't solve it.

    Has anyone else seen this? Got any solutions?

    submitted by /u/HetaLilla
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    GW1 predicted Coronavirus

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:24 AM PDT

    New plants vs zombies general was leaked what it does is unkown

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:46 PM PDT

    Why am I getting more keys?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    Tried using laser beans instead of all squashes. Could be better..

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    Plants Vs Zombies: Zombie Transitions from PVZ 1 to 2

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:59 PM PDT

    Yesterday, I went through all the plants from the original Plants Vs Zombies, and explained how they changed and whether or not they have been buffed or nerfed. Today, I'm doing the same thing with zombies, and I have to set a couple of ground rules for everyone to be on the same page. I will not be including any zombies that have remained the same from their transition from 1 to 2 so zombies such as Coneheads or Bucketheads will be mentioned. Also, if a zombie from the original game has a large range of varients which are all different in their own ways; for example, Gargantuar, I'll also not be including them. Also, I will be including Zombies in PVZ 2 that have near identical or identical abilities to a zombie in PVZ 1 and PVZ 2 Zombies that are now completely differentto their PVZ 1 counterpart. Alright, now on with the list.

    Newspaper Zombie

    Newspaper Zombie is a zombie that will walk the same speed as a normal Browncoat at first, but speed up once he has lost 50% of his health. From his transition from PVZ 1 to 2, he has been majorly buffed in a lot of areas. First of all, his toughness has been increased to Hardened, whereas in the original it was Low for both the Newspaper and Newspaper Zombie himself. Also, his speed has increased to Hungry and then Flighty, whereas in the original it was Normal and then Fast. But the most notable buff that Newspaper has received is being able to eat plants in one bite. In the original, it did take a few bites to eat a plant but those bites were fast, but now he only needs to have one quick bite.

    Football/All Star Zombie

    Football Zombie is a high health and very fast zombie. In his transition from PVZ 1 to 2, he has become a nearly completely different zombie entirely, so it's difficult to say whether he has been buffed or nerfed, although overall in my opinion he has been buffed. His toughness has been reduced to Hardened whereas in PVZ 1, it was Very High. Also, his speed has been temporarily increased to Flighty, but later on goes down to Stiff whereas in PVZ 1, it remained Fast at all times. When he first appears, he launches a Super Fan Imp which will drop into the middle of your defences, kinda like a Gargantuar. Also, All Star Zombie will keep a Flighty speed until it makes contact with a plant, which will cause the plant to be destroyed and All Star Zombie's speed to reduce to Stiff. It's your preference on whether or not Football/All Star Zombie has been buffed or nerfed.

    Snorkel Zombie

    Snorkel Zombie is an aquatic zombie who will dodge attacks by swimming under the water, and will only go above the water if it's eating a plant. From his transition from PVZ 1 to 2, he has been buffed. His toughness has been increased to Protected, whereas in PVZ 1 his toughness was Low.

    Balloon Zombie

    Balloon Zombie is a flying zombie who will fly over all of your defences. From his transition from PVZ 1 to 2 he has been nerfed. Despite having his toughness increasing to Solid from originally being Low, there's one thing that has made him become extremely nerfed. He can still fly over your defences, but he can now be attacked by all plants except for stuff like Spikeweed, Potato Mine, etc. In PVZ 1, he could only be attacked by 3 plants; Cactus, Blover and Cattail. Those were the only ones and he was a threat in the first game because if you couldn't get a Cactus or Blover in time (because who would be playing a Catail to deal with Balloon Zombies) that was one of your lawnmowers gone and you had to spare an extra space to use those plants, whereas now he is no threat because you can keep your current strategy and it's fine because your current strategy will take care of Balloon Zombies, and you don't need to adapt in any way to take them out.

    Zombie Yeti

    Zombie Yeti is a secret zombie who will drop lots of money once defeated, but have to take him out quickly or else he will run away. From his transition from PVZ 1 to 2, he has been nerfed from having his toughness be decreased to Dense where originally it was High, and the treasure he drops is nowhere near as good as they were before (if you want to count that one as a nerf).

    Digger Zombie

    Digger Zombie is a zombie that will dig under you defence, and eat it out from behind. In PVZ 2, he is replaced by Prospector Zombie, who will do the same thing but go over your defences and not under it, which is just a visual change. From his transition from PVZ 1 to 2, Digger Zombie has been nerfed. Prospector Zombie will only go over your plants after a certain amount of time, whereas Digger Zombie will do it before he even enters the lawn. Also, if you manage to freeze Prospector Zombie before he goes over your defences, he will not go over them at all because freezing him causes his dynamite to burn out.

    Dancing/Michael Jackson Zombie

    Dancing Zombie is a zombie which, soon after arriving on the lawn, summons 4 dancing zombies to protect himself. In PVZ2, he had been replaced with a new zombie found in Far Future known as Disco Tron 3000, which summons Disco-Nauts. From Dancing Zombies transition of from PVZ 1 to 2, it is quite obvious that he has been buffed. The zombies he spawns can now fly over short plants and of course his toughness has increased to Machined instead of just Low.

    submitted by /u/AngryMustache9
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    It won’t register as finished

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Should this be happening?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:18 AM PDT

    PvZ2 Wild West Extended Level Zomboss Fight Strategy

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:10 AM PDT

    So for those of you who really want to clear that level and do not have very skillful fingers, this "strategy" can guarantee to win. However, you need to prepare AT LEAST 60 gems (from daily tasks) and 40,000 gold coins (from the zen garden, arena, daily pinata, etc).

    Step 1: Head to any adventure level, on the "select plant" page, boost iceberg lettuce, Hypno-shroom, wall-nut and spikeweed with gems (you can also do that in zen garden if you happen to have their seeds), then quit the current game. Your boosted plants will remain.

    Step 2: Enter the zomboss fight, use hypno-shroom to create gargantuars whenever new zombies are released. They will help you harm the zomboss. In the first stage, save other plants and only use hypno-shroom.

    Step 3: When it is about to enter the second stage, quickly plant hypno-shroom, wall-nut and that electric thing near the end of each row to prevent the possible release of chickens. Use boosted spikeweed only when chickens are about to break into your house to pull them back. Use wall-nuts to stop bulls and use power-ups to swipe them away. Meanwhile, you should keep creating gargantuars. You should also use 2 plant foods to boost the electric shock.

    However, when you feel threatens that you may not be able to handle (e.g. when the zomboss destroys plants at the end of the row), use the power-ups immediately. You can also use iceberg lettuce to temporarily freeze all zombies to save you some time to react.

    Step 4: For the last stage, repeat step 3 but constantly use power-ups instead of plant shrooms as gargantuars don't eat them. Whenever available, use iceburg lettuce to freeze and use power-ups to do harm to zomboss. During the process you should constantly check chickens and bulls.

    Step 5: Be careful and BOOM! Level cleared!

    submitted by /u/PeteBaiZura
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    Improvements to Clubs

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:58 AM PDT

    1. A Global Chat

    It would make it easier to promote our clubs and maybe make friends

    1. A Friends List

    Not much of a use but it would be great to see your friends' plant roster and see how far they have gone.

    1. Friendly Fights

    It would help us test our abilities in fighting zombies. Instead of a one on one fight, just make it a "Can you beat my score?" type.

    1. Replays

    It would be connected to friendly fights, it would make it so you can take notes on strategies. Why limit it to that? Add in an Arena replay, more specifically best replays.

    I think these features would greatly improve clubs and the game.

    submitted by /u/TheRetroFlowey
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    Purple Tiles

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    How do you use the purple tiles in Penny's Pursuit? What do they do?

    submitted by /u/yoplin72
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    Time to trigger some people

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:58 AM PDT

    Not getting ads for Penny Fuel

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 11:24 PM PDT

    Since the update, I've not been getting ad offers for penny fuel. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/spookTr1umph
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    This game does “let’s make everything op, so nothing is op” badly

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:54 AM PDT

    This is gonna be a long one but i just wanted to put my opinion out there and hear other peoples thoughts on the subject

    So, i had been playing this game for a few years before quitting when the seed packets were first introduced. I had lost my account and didnt want to go through all the levels again.

    I came back to the game last month after hearing about some of the custom mods people make and it caught my interest. I started playing the ECLISE mod and thats when i realised how unbalanced vanilla PVZ2 is.

    I'm going to ignore all the stuff about how you can barely get 20-40 seed packets on a plant per day(if you're lucky) and some of the later upgrades cost more than 1000 seed packets because I'm sure everyone knows how unbalanced all that is

    My biggest problem with the game is how some plants are just useless now thanks to the new premium and seedium plants that are insanely op. One example is bonk choy. Before it was a mid-tier plant that was usefull in some stages and was at least unique at the time. Then they added the wasabi whip which made bonk choy useless and then they added pokra which made both of them useless.At least wasabi whip heats up other plants around it, right? Oh wait pyre vine exists.

    In ECLISE, caulipower costs 750 sun at tier 1(tiers is a way better system than leveling) and targets weaker zombies first and after using that version, the 150 cost vanilla one that targets stronger zombies first is extremely op compared to other plants. Does anyone even remember the last time they used spring bean? Or has anybody even used sapfling?

    I dont have a problem with plants that cost money. And i dont have a problem with them being a bit better than normal plants because nobody would buy them otherwise. Even i would've paid money to the game if even stuff like chomper didnt cost 6 dollars.

    Even zombie design became worse thanks to these op plants. Now that a single pokra can take on endless bucketheads, they had no other choice than to make the zombies in Penny's Pursuit damage sponges and just spam pillarheads because thats the only way to make the game hard nowadays. In ECLISE there are some levels that are a true challenge for even the best players and it doesnt turn zombies into damage sponges.

    I know making all my points by comparing vanilla to modded isnt a good stance but playing that mod really made me realise how bad the situation is.

    Thats what i think about the game right now and i'd love to hear what other people think.

    Ps: im not posting a link to the mod because i dont know how the subreddit is with custom levels

    submitted by /u/Mynameisjeff121
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    Does anyone else feel the same?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 10:36 AM PDT

    I feel like both Arena and Penny's Pursuit are both strongly plant level dependent and once you have them, they take little to no skill to win. The adventure however, is greatly skill dependent and is full of variety. I, for one, have gotten so much enjoyment out of playing the adventure, that I am a little dissapointed that there isn't more.

    Would like to see more adventure levels rather then just Arena updates and Pursuit updates? I'm curious because I've felt this way for a long time and I'm curious if anyone else shares this idea.

    submitted by /u/FreeKarmaRightHere
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    Endless zones reward rework.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Endless zones don't really have a purpose, and are just not as fun as survival endless. There's not a real reward from playing them, if not 50+ coins per level. I recently came up with an idea that will surely make these modes a lot more exciting.

    The endless zones will now be divided into three different types: easy, medium or hard.

    Easy is the easier one, and it is the one that gives the less rewards. In easy, you can choose beetween all 4 cards, and you can pay 3500 coins to redraw the cards. Here (and in all the other types of zones), there is a chance of gem drops, and in easy it is 0.1%. After completing a level, you get 5 seed packets only for the plants you currently have in the endless zone. Here you get 10 coins for all your remaining lawn mowers.

    Medium has the current card system. You have a 0.5% chance of gem drops, you get 10 random seed packets when completing a level, and you get 50 coins for all of your remaining lawnmowers.

    Hard is the hardest one, with tougher zombies and more waves. Here you have 1% chance of gem drops, you get 15 random seed packets when completing a level and you get 100 coins for each lawnmower.

    submitted by /u/Lollino07
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