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    Saturday, January 11, 2020

    Plants vs Zombies have a meme template i guess

    Plants vs Zombies have a meme template i guess

    have a meme template i guess

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:41 PM PST

    Me and the boys ruining endless runs

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Dealt with four Swashbucklers all game, gotta love inzanity.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:29 AM PST


    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 01:13 AM PST

    Add sorting option per family plant belongs to

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 01:38 PM PST

    It'd be nice if there was option to group plants together by family for example all shadow plants to next to each other and all fire plants next to each other.

    submitted by /u/ohshrimp
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    Facts?? ��

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 05:09 PM PST

    Cheater in Gold League

    Posted: 11 Jan 2020 02:11 AM PST

    If i made a pvz game ,more coming soon.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 07:06 PM PST

    Premium Plants that are worth buying and ones that are not (IMO)

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:43 PM PST

    This topic is similar to the ones like, "What Premium should I buy?" but this is different. I'm sorry if this topic is already a thing. In this topic I am listing the premium plants that are worth buying and the ones not worth buying. These are just my opinions so feel free to comment down below and give a valid reason if so if you have a different opinion.

    Premium Plants Worth Buying:

    Gold Bloom: Gives you 375 sun right off the bat, for 0 sun. This plant is essential for Endless Zones and almost every level especially the Expansion Levels where hordes of zombies enter your lawn. This plant is amazing when paired with Imitater because you'll get 750 sun for free.

    Caulipower: This plant truly shines in Arena. Since the zombies are toughened in Arena, Caulipower makes an excellent choice as you'll receive the points instantly when it hypnotizes the zombie; the zombies will help you fight other ones. Arena is like a Last Stand so you can place many Caulipowers down on the field which would be very helpful since he has a very long recharge. Caulipower is a way better choice than Electric Blueberry as the hypnotized zombies can help you fight other zombies, unlike EB which only zaps them. Gargantuars can be hypnotized, unlike Hypno Shroom which will help you smash through hordes of zombies as well as delaying them. Note that a Gargantuar will die pretty quickly when facing a horde of zombies as it can only take 3600 DPS (400 DPS less than a Wall-Nut).

    Imitater: A must-have for pairing with Power Lily or Gold Bloom or any plant with a long recharge if you play Endless Zones and Arena. In Arena during Boosterama Tournaments, pairing this plant with Primal Potato Mine (if the Bombard-Mint family is neutral or effective) will help you reach very high scores.

    Power Lily: Amazing in both Endless Zones and Arena. In levels 100+ in endless zones where plant food is limited Power Lily is essential. Some tournaments in Arena will not give you plant food (you'll only have 3 to use without Power Lily) and plant food is very important especially with Tile Turnip and Threepeater/Pea Pod+Torchwood strategies. Instantly refreshing power-mints by dragging plant food on to the seed packet is essential for Arena for the full effects of them. If only given 3 plant food with no more going to be given Power Lily can solve this issue.

    Cold Snapdragon: This plant is amazing. Much cheaper than Winter Melon slows groups of zombies down, and a very good plant food effect. Snapdragon is also very good, being a free plant, but is outclassed by CS as SD is not able to thaw plants in Frostbite Caves, not immune to freeze in that world as well, and does not work well with slowing plants.

    Explode-O-Nut: What makes this plant so special? His very fast recharge and cheap sun cost. Most zombies can trigger his explosion, like Gargantuars and Pianist Zombies, which is extremely useful. In most cases, it is considered an upgrade to Cherry Bomb. Explode-o-Nut also has very low health (3/4 of a level 1 Wall-Nut) which helps a lot. Its only weaknesses are Imp Dragon Zombies, Explorer Zombies and Torchlight Zombies. This plant is generally better than Primal Wall-nut and if one chooses to buy this it is almost guaranteed that he/she will not use the following plants:

    Cherry Bomb (depends on the situation)

    Primal Wall-Nut



    Chard Guard



    Potato Mine

    Primal Potato Mine (depends)


    Premium Plants that are not worth it tbh:

    Chomper: Like seriously, EA, why would you make this garbage premium? First of all, it hesitates before it chomps, second of all, there's a very unnecessary delay of Chomper swallowing the zombie and then burping. That is not even WITHIN the 30 second chew time (depending on level). That means that Toadstool has a longer range, grabs the zombie immediately when it gets in range, and swallows the zombie faster thus making Chomper outclassed by Toadstool. I know many people use Chomper for a cheap instant-kill and then dig him up, but there are way better plants suited for this job. Chili Bean, Spring Bean (only in Pirate Seas), Ghost Pepper, Lava Guava, Primal Potato Mine, Squash, etcetera are all outclass Chomper in instant-killing a zombie or even more than one. Squash is especially better than Chomper as it has a decent recharge, smash multiple zombies in the range (with even more at levels 3 and up), and can instantly kill Gargantuars at level 3. On the bright side, I absolutely love his design, more than Toadstool, but his usefulness is completely gone...

    Missile Toe: Really? A Banana Launcher clone with a chill/freeze effect? At least make her sun cost lower and fire rate faster, I mean, Winter Melon, a level 16 Iceberg Lettuce, Snow Pea (especially with his freeze starting at level 5), and Cold Snapdragon all have freeze/chill effects so yeah. Instead of using Missile Toe you can use Banana Launchers and Cold Snapdragon if you want high damage input with slowing effects. Should cost gemium at least...

    Dandelion: O.......M........G........ *Illuminati confirmed*; Why in the actual love of God does this plant cost money. WHY? It's fire rate is terrible, its recharge time is also terrible, its sun cost is not reasonable what-so-ever, terrible damage for a slow-fire rate plant, costs actual money, terrible RNG, outclassed by plants that CAN ACTUALLY attack ALL THREE LANES AT ONCE at the same time, namely the free Threepeater, Apple Mortar, powered Dusk Lobber, and ANY PLANT THAT CAN SHOOT STRAIGHT. This has to be the worst premium (premium in general, not just money premiums) in the entire game, even worse than Chomper.

    Electric Blueberry: Why would anyone want to buy this plant when Caulipower is already given? Her thundercloud disappears if the zombie she's targeting gets killed, unlike Caulipower, and can target chickens. I mean, Caulipower can do that too, but with Lightning Reed to support Cauli, the beam would just move to another target. EB can't even kill a Jurassic Gargantuar in one shot either...

    Cactus: So basically what you're paying for is a Boomerang with a Spikeweed installation. Not very impressive even with the massive buff she has received. It states in the store AND the almanac that Cactus can damage multiple enemies with an exclamation mark. What's the problem? Boomerang can do the EXACT SAME THING. Why would you even want her to turn into a Spikeweed when a zombie approaches (especially a Gargantuar which could just smash this thingy)? The other zombies in the same lane will just overwhelm your defences while Cactus is trying to finish off the zombie who lost its arm. Boomerang can also hit Excavator Zombies, unlike Cactus. Laser Bean and damage ALL zombies in his lane which is way more useful than hitting only 3 zombies. And it is free too. Electric Peashooter, a premium plant, being the best choice of all for damaging all zombies in the lane, can also damage zombies in the adjacent lanes as well. Cactus can even pop a Ballon Zombie's ballon which is kind of sad :(

    Kiwibeast: So... he has to be damaged so he can grow and become stronger? *Sighs* Let me just list why he's just straight-up bad.

    1. Newspaper Zombies
    2. Gargantuars
    3. A swarm of zombies
    4. Punk Zombie+Jam
    5. Mecha-Football Zombies
    6. The Yeti in Arena
    7. Turquoise Skull Zombies
    8. Balloon Zombies, Jetpack Zombies, Blastronaut Zombies, Bug Zombies and variants
    9. Machined Zombies that will finish eating this plant before he actually does some real damage.
    10. Explorer Zombie and Torchlight Zombie
    11. Barrel Roller Zombies
    12. Zombie Parrot if given the chance
    13. Piano Zombies
    14. Rodeo Legend Zombies
    15. Zombie Kings+Peasant Zombies
    16. Wizard Zombies
    17. Octo Zombies
    18. Glitter Zombie
    19. Arcade Zombies and Troglobites
    20. Surfer Zombies
    21. Fishermen Zombies

    Ok, I think you get it now. With 21+ weaknesses, this plant is so useless...


    Blooming Heart will become an unlockable seed packet plant for Season 11 so this plant is not on the "Bad" list as everyone anticipated.

    Only recommended:

    Grapeshot: People say that this plant is top of the line S Tier, but it's just another Cherry Bomb with grapes that fly everywhere which can only kill Cone-head Zombies and Basic Zombies. Sure, it can one-hit KO Gargantuars, but Squash can already do that. That said, this plant is a solid A-Tier along with Cherry Bomb. The same goes for Bomebegranate.

    Wasabi Whip and Parsnip: It just depends honestly. They are both outclassed by the seasonal plant Pokra, which could single-handily handle infinite Gargantuars in her lane without ANY SUPPORT, unlike these two. Parsnip's plant food effect is excellent, however, while Wasabi Whip's is the exact same as Bonk Choy not being able to damage Imp Dragons.

    Solar Tomato: Only good in Endless Zones where the zombies are stacked in swarms.

    Apple Mortar: Only good in groups of them. Not very good against swarms of zombies, but is very good for stunning zombies in their place.

    submitted by /u/BrenzMystic10
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    Finally finished this thing. It took me around 4h the do all 10 lvls. All my plants are lvl 2 or 3 so this was really hard. But i enjoy the difficulty.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 10:47 AM PST

    what a fan i am !

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 02:39 PM PST

    Hmmmm. Interesting Ultomato level.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 11:40 AM PST


    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Rotobaga or banana

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Petition for e.a. to add roof level's some how and to get the original artists of graze the roof to make a remix version!!

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 09:55 PM PST

    Like even if they were quests or minigames or SOMETHING!!! I WANT MY ROOF LEVELS AS AWESOME SOUND TRACK

    submitted by /u/puggos_pizzeria
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    Homing thistle or fire pea

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 12:58 PM PST

    Or pea nut

    submitted by /u/Foongus-fan
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    The PvZ 2 developers on thanksgiving

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 03:13 PM PST

    So I completed it on nox player but why is it still here

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:56 PM PST

    I found this quite satisfying and enjoyable. Hope y'all do too.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 08:41 PM PST

    What's the best premium plant for begginers?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2020 04:24 AM PST

    hi, im new to the community and have been playing PvZ2 for a while now and i need a premium plant for the arena, so what should i pick?

    submitted by /u/South-Mapping
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