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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020

    Plants vs Zombies Zomboss after finding out what he looks like in PvZ 3

    Plants vs Zombies Zomboss after finding out what he looks like in PvZ 3

    Zomboss after finding out what he looks like in PvZ 3

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 03:50 PM PDT

    It's like they make him bad on purpose

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:07 PM PDT

    Plants vs. Zombies 3.png

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:48 PM PDT

    Threepeater playing gw1 in their house.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 07:30 AM PDT

    This isn’t related to the meme but why isn’t there Battle for Neighborville flair?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 06:13 PM PDT

    An update on a meme by u/Spageht4Ever

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:18 PM PDT

    My 51 Gold Plants and 4 Gold Mints after 2 and half years of playing, I feel proud lol.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    I'm glad it's gone.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 12:35 PM PDT

    Punk zombie jamming to rap music

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:46 PM PDT

    Tumbleweed COMPLETED

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 02:10 AM PDT

    Old meme I never shared

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 01:34 PM PDT

    I drew an Imp Pear.

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:11 PM PDT

    Doom shroom is dark real dark

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 05:42 PM PDT

    What happened to the Tangle Kelp in PvZ 2?

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    I am an old player and I finally reached Big Wave Beach again. But something's wrong. No, not the whole damn level, but something else entirely....

    The Tangle Kelp... I believe it's glitched. Or the developers screwed up big time. You see, the Tangle Kelp can kill Snorkel Zombies. Or, at least, it COULD! Now it just keeps glitching. Snorkel zombie tries to eat it, it dives to get him AND.... IT DOES NOT KILL HIM. It keeps diving and surfacing and never kills a snorkel zombie unless it's eating another plant.

    Like I said, I am an old player, and I remember being able to kill snorkel zombies with the Tangle Kelp without needing another plant for bait. This is frustrating on the conveyor bet levels, since you now cannot kill snorkels like this and need to kill them out of the water....

    This map was already a nightmare, now it's reaching new levels of annoying!

    submitted by /u/Doomguy1234
    [link] [comments]

    done for this season. need to get that 300 seed early since will be busy next 4 days. this boss really piss me off with cold frost and keep destroying my torchwood.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Bruh i don't even have a play station

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    Okay so I just started replaying pvz2 after not playing for years and years and I remember the keys being really hard to get, but somehow I have 26. Did something change?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:25 AM PDT

    Dazey chain is the next plant of the week.

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 03:55 AM PDT

    I got three dazey chain seed packets from the pinata party, its either dazey chain, or another 4 weeks of the same penny's pursuit. ik, its not as exciting as pokra seed packets, but its better then having that isnt a seedium :)

    submitted by /u/embarkingrain27
    [link] [comments]

    200 card ideas from pvz1 and 2

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:39 AM PDT

    (This was copied from a post I made in r/PvZHeroes, Good luck mobile users) I call these unoriginal, not because I didn't think of these ideas myself, but because these have probably been done so many times. Also, cards from PVZ2 that are essentially just reskins of standard zombies are not going to be in, such as mummy zombies or any zombies that are basically a clone of another zombie, such as torchlight zombie. The Olive Pit and Z-Corp are planned to be added in a future update of PVZ2, and those are the only ones I know of. Any feedback is appreciated! Also, sorry for the first ones on the list having different formats, I can't change that.

    1. Jalapeño - 5 cost fruit trick (yes, peppers are fruits, I checked) - Super Rare - Kabloom

    Cannot be played on water, but does 4 damage to a zombie and the zombie hero

    If played on an Ice Layer or Ice Moon environment, destroy it.

    1. Ice-shroom - 4 cost mushroom trick - Super Rare - Smarty

    Freeze a zombie, then freeze all other zombies with 3 or less attack

    1. Scaredy-shroom - 3 cost 0/3 mushroom plant - Rare - Kabloom

    Anti-hero 4

    1. Hypno-Shroom - 4 cost mushroom trick - Super Rare - Kabloom

    Choose a zombie, then choose another zombie. Do damage to the second zombie equal to that of the first zombie's attack, then do damage to the first zombie equal to that of the second zombie's attack

    1. Tangle Kelp - 2 cost trick (I couldn't find a tribe) - Uncommon - Smarty

    Destroy a zombie in the water or move an amphibious zombie to the water, then destroy it

    1. Tall Nut - 4 cost 0/10 nut plant - Super-Rare - Guardian

    Cannot be bounced, untrickable

    1. Blover - 4 cost leafy trick - Rare - Mega-Grow

    Destroy a zombie environment, then destroy all Balloon Zombies, Seagull Zombies, Jetpack Zombies, Blastronaut Zombies, Disco Jetpack Zombies, and Bug Zombies then bounce all zombies on heights or in the water, then bounce all environments

    1. Magnet-Shroom - 4 cost 3/5 mushroom plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    Destroy all Plants and Zombies with armoured

    1. Flower Pot - 2 cost 0/1 root plant - Uncommon - Guardian

    Fusion: A plant played on this gets +3 health, if played on heights, it gets +2/3 instead

    1. Coffee Bean - 3 cost bean trick - Rare - Kabloom

    Each mushroom does a bonus attack

    1. Marigold - 2 cost 0/2 flower plant - Super-Rare - Solar

    Start of turn: You get +1 sun this turn, and one extra turn for each turn this marigold has been in play

    1. Spikerock Sector - 3 cost root environment - Legendary - Guardian

    Before combat here: Do 4 damage to each zombie here

    1. Gold Magnet Shroom - 5 cost 5/5 mushroom plant - Legendary - Solar (May be OP)

    When played: Destroy all Plants and Zombies with armoured. Then, for each plant and zombie destroyed, gain 1 sun.

    Start of turn: You gain +1 sun this turn

    Mushroom Evolution: You gain 2 sun at the start of each turn as well as for each plant and zombie destroyed when played.

    1. Pool Cleaner - 3 cost trick - Rare - Solar

    Destroy a zombie in the water, if there are no zombies in the water, destroy the next one played in the water.

    1. Roof Cleaner - 3 cost trick - Rare - Solar

    Destroy a zombie on heights, if there are no zombies on heights, destroy the next one played on heights.


    1. Pole Vault Zombie - 4 cost 2/2 sports zombie - Rare - Hearty


    When this hurts a plant for the first time, bounce that plant

    End of combat here: This loses frenzy

    1. Zomboni - 6 cost 5/6 professional sports zombie - Legendary - Hearty

    Armoured 1, Deadly

    When played, make an Ice Layer environment here

    When destroyed, gain a Zombie Sledding Team

    1. Ice Layer - 4 cost environment - Token - Hearty

    When played: Freeze all plants here

    1. Zombie Sled Team - 2 cost sports trick - Rare - Hearty

    Make a 2/2 Sled Zombie here

    If played in a Ice Layer or Ice Moon environment, do 4 damage to all plants here

    1. Sled Zombie - 2 cost 2/2 sports zombie - Token - Hearty

    2. Jack-In-The-Box Zombie - 4 cost 3/3 dancing zombie - Super-Rare - Crazy


    When destroyed, destroy all plants and zombies here and next door

    (Something similar has been done before, the original account was deleted, but credit to them)

    1. Balloon Zombie - 3 cost 2/4 party zombie - Rare - Sneaky


    When played: this can't be hurt this turn

    When played in an environment: This zombie gains untrickable

    When hurt in the water: destroy this zombie

    1. Digger Zombie - 4 cost 4/4 professional zombie - Rare - Brainy


    When revealed, destroy a plant in the back in this lane

    1. Bungee Zombie - 5 cost sports trick - Super-Rare - Sneaky

    Destroy a plant on heights (excluding Umbrella Leaf), then make a random zombie that cost 4 or less on heights

    1. Ladder zombie - 5 cost 5/5 professional zombie - Legendary - Beastly

    Gravestone, armoured 1, overshoot 2

    When revealed: Choose a lane, make a ladder zone environment there

    1. Ladder zone - 4 cost environment - Token - Beastly

    Zombies here have overshoot 2, armoured 1, and strikethrough

    1. Catapult Zombie - 5 cost 0/5 professional sports zombie - Super-Rare - Hearty

    Overshoot 2, armoured 1

    When played on heights, do 2 damage to all plants behind another plant, unless there is an Umbrella leaf there or next door, or it is an Umbrella Leaf.

    1. Future Shades Zombie - 3 cost 2/1 party zombie - Rare - Crazy

    When played: all other party zombies do a bonus attack

    1. Piñata - 3 cost 0/3 party pet zombie - Rare - Beastly

    When destroyed: Conjure three treats

    1. Daisy-Foot Zombie - 2 cost 2/2 party zombie - Uncommon - Brainy

    When destroyed: make a random flower plant that costs 1 here

    PVZ2 PART 1(This may be split into 2 different posts due to character limit, these are being written days before being posted)


    1. Coconut Cannon - 6 cost 4/5 fruit plant (I checked, coconuts are a fruit) - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    Splash damage 4

    1. Chili Bean - 6 cost bean trick - Rare - Mega-Grow

    Destroy a zombie, then do 2 damage to all zombies next door

    1. Hot Potato - 3 Cost root trick - Rare - Kabloom

    All plants that are frozen here and next door do a bonus attack

    1. Pepper-Pult - 5 cost 3/6 fruit plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    Splash Damage 3

    When played: All frozen plants here and next door do a bonus attack

    1. Chard Guard - 3 cost 0/4 leafy root plant - Uncommon - Guardian


    When hurt: Bounce a zombie here

    1. Stunion - 3 cost 0/3 root plant - Rare - Smarty


    End of turn: Freeze a zombie here

    1. A.K.E.E. - 5 cost 3/6 fruit seed plant - Super-Rare - Guardian

    When this does damage, do 3 damage to two other random zombies

    1. Endurian - 3 cost 0/4 fruit plant - Super-Rare - Guardian

    When hurt: Do the same amount of damage to a zombie here, then do 2 damage to zombies next door

    1. Stallia - 3 cost 0/2 flower plant - Rare - Solar


    End of turn: Zombies here and next door have zero attack this turn

    1. Gold Leaf - 3 cost leaf trick - Rare - Solar

    Create a Gold Tile environment here

    1. Gold Tile - 3 cost environment - Token - Solar

    Start of turn: You gain +1 sun for each plant here

    1. Citron - 5 cost 0/4 fruit plant - Uncommon - Smarty

    When this does damage: This plant loses all it's attack

    End of turn: This gains 5 attack

    1. E.M.Peach - 2 cost fruit trick - Uncommon - Smarty

    All science zombies have 0 attack this turn

    1. Infinut - 1 cost 0/5 nut plant - Super-Rare - Guardian


    End of turn: This heals 3 health

    1. Tile Turnip - 2 cost root plant - Rare - Smarty

    Create a Power Tile environment here, for the rest of a game, all Tile Turnips cost 1 sun more

    1. Power Tile - 3 cost environment - Token - Smarty

    When a plant outside of this environment does a bonus attack, all plants here do a bonus attack

    1. Sun Bean - 3 cost 0/4 bean plant - Super-Rare - Solar

    When a zombie is destroyed, gain 1 sun

    Start of turn: You gain +1 sun this turn

    1. Phat Beat - 5 cost 3/3 root plant - Rare - Mega-Grow

    Splash damage 3

    1. Celery Stalker - 3 cost 3/3 root plant - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    When played: This cannot be hurt this turn

    When a zombie is played here: This cannot be hurt this turn

    1. Thyme Warp - 3 cost leafy trick - Legendary - Mega-Grow

    Bounce all plants, zombies, and gravestones played this turn, and heal all plants and zombies hurt this turn

    1. Spore-Shroom - 4 cost 4/3 mushroom plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    When this destroys a plant: Create another Spore-Shroom without this ability in a random lane, but with Team-Up

    1. Intensive Carrot - 2 cost leafy root trick - Super-Rare - Smarty

    Choose a plant. Then, gain a copy of that plant with 1 health

    1. Perfume-Shroom - 2 cost mushroom trick - Legendary - Solar

    Choose a zombie with the Dino-Roar ability, and it looses all attack and the Dino-Roar ability

    1. Bowling Bulb - 4 cost 3/4 seed plant - Rare - Mega-Grow

    When this does damage: Do 3 damage to a random zombie next door

    1. Moonflower - 2 cost 0/1 flower plant - Rare - Solar

    Start of turn: You gain +1 sun this turn

    When there is another Moonflower hear or next door, you gain 2 sun instead

    1. Nightshade - 3 cost 3/3 leafy plant - Rare - Mega-Grow

    When there is another Nightshade here or next door, this gains +2 attack

    1. Shadow-Shroom - 3 cost 0/4 mushroom plant - Rare - Smarty

    When destroyed: do 6 damage to a zombie here

    If there is another Shadow-Shroom here or next door, it does 9 damage instead

    1. Dusk Lobber - 3 cost 2/5 cactus plant - Rare - Kabloom

    If there is another Dusk Lobber here or next door, this gains +1 attack and +2 health

    1. Grimrose - 4 cost 0/3 flower plant - Rare - Guardian

    When a zombie is played here, destroy it.

    If there is another Grimrose here or next door, destroy a random zombie next door as well.

    1. Power Lily - 2 cost flower trick - Rare - Solar

    Gain a Plant Food

    1. Parsnip - 5 cost 3/4 root plant - Legendary - Mega-Grow


    When destroyed, destroy a zombie here

    1. Missile-Toe - 4 cost 2/5 leafy berry plant - Legendary - Smarty

    Splash 2

    When this hurts a zombie, freeze that zombie

    When a zombie is frozen, do 2 damage to that zombie

    1. Holly barrier - 4 cost 3/7 leafy berry plant - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    When hurt, do 4 damage to a zombie here

    1. Electric Currant - 5 cost 3/5 berry plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    Splash damage 3

    When this does damage for the first time this turn, do two damage to zombies next door

    1. Strawburst - 4 cost 1/4 berry plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    When this does damage, this gains +2 attack, for a maximum of 5 attack

    1. Homing Thistle - 4 cost 3/5 cactus flower plant - Super-Rare - Guardian

    Instead of attacking the zombie hero, this attacks the zombie with the highest health

    1. Ghost-Pepper - 4 cost 3/3 fruit plant - Rare - Kabloom

    Splash 3, when destroyed, do 2 damage to zombies here and next door

    1. Hurrikale - 4 cost leafy trick - Rare - Mega-Grow

    Bounce all zombies here and next door in an environment, freeze all zombies here

    1. Grapeshot - 5 cost berry trick - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    Do 4 damage to zombies on heights, in the middle lane, and in the water

    1. Cold Snapdragon - 4 cost 3/3 dragon plant - Legendary - Kabloom

    Splash damage 3

    When this hurts a zombie, freeze that zombie

    1. Escape Root - 4 cost 0/3 root plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    When destroyed: Do 4 damage to zombies here, then conjure a Kabloom plant

    1. Gold Bloom - 2 cost flower trick - Legendary - Solar

    Gain +1 sun for each other solar plant in play

    1. Wasabi Whip - 5 cost 3/4 root plant - Rare - Mega-Grow


    1. Kiwibeast - 4 cost 2/5 fruit plant - Super-Rare - Guardian

    When this takes damage: this gains +3 attack and +1 health

    1. Apple Mortar - 5 cost 2/5 fruit plant - Rare - Mega-Grow

    This attacks here and next door

    1. Caulipower - 7 cost 0/8 leafy plant - Legendary - Smarty


    End of turn: do damage to the Zombie Hero equal to the attack of a random zombie

    1. Electric Peashooter - 4 cost 3/5 pea plant - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    Splash damage 4 (not a typo)

    1. Dandelion - 5 cost 3/3 flower seed plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    This attacks here and next door

    1. Explode-O-Nut - 3 cost 0/6 nut plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom


    When destroyed: do 4 damage to zombies here and 2 damage to zombies next door

    1. Aloe - 4 cost 0/5 cost cactus plant - Super-Rare - Guardian


    Start of turn: If behind another plant, heal the plant this plant is behind for 3

    1. Bombegranate (similar to atomic bombegranate) - 4 cost 4/2 fruit seed plant - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    Splash Damage 4

    When destroyed: Do 3 damage to zombies here and next door, then make a seedling here

    1. Solar Tomato - 4 cost 1/3 fruit plant - Super-Rare - Solar

    When played: Gain one sun for each zombie here and next door

    Start of turn: You gain +1 sun this turn

    1. Shadow Peashooter - 3 cost 3/3 pea plant - Rare - Mega-Grow

    When another Shadow Peashooter is here or next door, this gains +2 attack and +1 health

    1. Goo Peashooter - 4 cost 3/5 pea plant - Rare - Mega-Grow

    Splash damage 3

    When this hurts a zombie, it takes two damage at the end of the turn

    1. Sling-Pea - 5 cost 2/3 pea plant - Super-Rare - Guardian

    This attacks all zombies, but not the Zombie Hero

    1. Snap Pea - 5 cost 2/2 flytrap pea plant - Super-Rare - Solar

    When played: destroy a zombie here with 2 attack or less, then do 3 damage

    1. Zoybean Pod - 4 cost 0/5 pea plant - Super-Rare - Solar

    End of turn: Create a 2/2 zomboid with amphibious

    1. Zomboid - 3 cost 2/2 pea animal plant - Token - Solar


    1. Dazey Chain - 4 cost 0/6 flower plant - Legendary - Smarty


    Start of turn: A random zombie loses it's attack this turn. One more zombie loses it's attack for each extra turn this Dazey Chain has been in play

    1. Electrici-Tea - 3 cost 2/4 leafy plant - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    Splash damage 2, Double-Strike

    1. Blastberry Vine - 3 cost 1/4 berry plant - Rare - Guardian

    Splash damage 1

    Fusion: A plant played on this gains Splash damage 1, +1 damage, and +2 health

    1. Pokra - 5 cost 4/5 leafy plant - Legendary - Guardian

    Double Strike

    End of turn: Do 2 damage to a zombie here

    1. Imp-Pear - 3 cost 0/1 fruit plant - Super-Rare - Smarty

    When destroyed: Transform a zombie here into an imp that costs 1

    1. Pyre Vine - 3 cost 1/4 leafy plant - Rare - Kabloom


    Fusion: A plant played on this gains strikethrough, +1 damage, and +1 health, and cannot be frozen

    1. Ice-Bloom - 4 cost leafy flower trick - Super-Rare - Smarty

    Freeze a zombie in the middle lane, then do 2 damage to all zombies on the ground, then do 1 damage to zombies on heights and in water

    1. Ultomato - 3 cost 1/5 fruit plant - Rare - Solar

    Fruit evolution: This gains 2 attack and strikethrough

    1. Dartichoke - 5 cost 3/5 root plant - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    This attacks the zombie hero, the zombie with the highest health, and the zombie with the highest attack

    1. Shine Vine - 3 cost 1/4 flower plant - Rare - Solar

    Start of turn: You gain +1 sun this turn

    Fusion: A plant played on this gets the ability "Start of turn: You gain +1 sun this turn"

    69 (Nice). Gumnut - 4 cost 0/5 leafy nut plant - Legendary - Guardian

    When this hurts a zombie: This gains armoured 1 this turn

    When hurt: This loses armoured 1

    1. Tumbleweed - 3 cost leafy trick - Super Rare - Solar

    Do four damage to a zombie

    Gain another Tumbleweed without this ability

    𝓂𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝒾𝓂𝑒

    1. Fila-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick (Get ready for a lot of those) - Super-Rare - Smarty

    Do 2 damage to all zombies

    All plants with Splash Damage gain 2 attack

    1. Pepper-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    Do 4 damage to a zombie

    All kabloom plants gain 1 attack

    1. Winter-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Smarty

    Freeze a zombie, then freeze one random zombie if there are three zombies or less, or freeze two random zombies if there are four or more zombies.

    1. Enlighten-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Solar

    A solar plant does a bonus attack

    Make a random plant that has the ability "Start of turn: You gain +1 sun this turn"

    1. Reinforce-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Guardian

    All plants with armoured gain 3 health

    Make a random nut plant with 0 attack in a random lane

    1. Bombard-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Kabloom

    Do 3 damage to zombies here and next door

    Conjure a random kabloom plant

    1. Ail-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Smarty

    All zombies take 2 damage at the end of each turn

    Gain a Goo Peashooter

    1. Enchant-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Smarty

    Do damage to a zombie equal to the attack of a zombie of your choice

    Gain a Hypno-Shroom

    1. Contain-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Guardian

    All plants with zero attack gain 2 attack and 3 health

    Conjure two nuts

    1. Enforce-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    All plants with 4 or more attack gain 2 attack and 3 health

    Conjure a plant with 4 attack or more

    1. Arma-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    All plants with Bullseye gain +3 attack

    Do 3 damage to all zombies on heights or in environments

    1. Conceal-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Solar

    All Team-Up plants gain +2 attack and +2 health

    Conjure a Team-Up

    1. Spear-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Solar

    All plants with Strikethrough gain +2 attack

    A plant gains strikethrough

    1. Appease-Mint - 4 cost leafy trick - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    All plants with Double Strike do a Bonus Attack

    Conjure a Mega-Grow plant, and it gains Double Strike

    1. Olive Pit - 4 cost 0/6 fruit plant - Super-Rare - Mega-Grow

    End of turn: Destroy a zombie here

    ZOMBIES (Remember, no clone zombies like mummy zombies or torchlight zombie)

    1. Rally Zombie - 2 cost 2/2 professional zombie - Rare - Hearty

    Zombie environments cost 1 less

    1. Explorer Zombie - 3 cost 2/5 professional history zombie - Rare - Sneaky


    Other zombies cannot be frozen

    When frozen: This loses deadly

    1. Mummified Gargantuar - 6 cost 5/6 gargantuar history zombie - Super-Rare - Hearty

    All other history and gargantuar zombies gain +2 attack and +1 health

    1. Zombot Sphinx-Inator - 7 cost 6/5 history science zombie - Legendary - Hearty

    End of turn: Conjure a history card

    1. Seagull Zombie - 3 cost 2/3 pet pirate zombie - Uncommon - Sneaky


    1. Imp Cannon - 5 cost 3/6 barrel pirate zombie - Rare - Sneaky

    When this does damage: Make a random imp that costs 3 or less

    1. Pirate Captain - 4 cost 4/7 pirate zombie - Legendary - Sneaky

    End of first turn: create a Zombie Parrot next door

    1. Zombie Parrot - 2 cost 3/3 pirate pet zombie - Token - Beastly


    Start of turn: destroy a plant

    When this destroys a plant: this gains +1 attack and heals to full health

    1. Prospector Zombie - 3 cost 2/3 professional history zombie - Rare - Beastly

    Overshoot 2

    1. Poncho Zombie - 3 cost 2/4 professional zombie - Uncommon - Hearty

    When hurt: This has a fifty percent chance of healing to full and gaining armoured 1

    1. Chicken Wrangler - 4 cost 3/4 pet professional zombie - Super-Rare - Beastly

    When destroyed: create 2 1 cost 2/2 Zombie Chickens next door

    1. Zombie Bull - 6 cost 4/5 imp pet zombie - Super-Rare - Hearty

    Armoured 1, Frenzy

    When first hurt: create a Zombie Bull Rider in a random lane

    1. Zombie Bull Rider - 2 cost 1/3 imp professional zombie - Uncommon - Hearty

    2. Zombot War Wagon - 7 cost 5/5 science history zombie - Legendary - Hearty

    When played: Create two random history zombies in random lanes

    1. Hunter Zombie - 4 cost 3/6 professional pet zombie - Super-Rare - Beastly

    When this hurts a plant, freeze that plant

    This zombie cannot be frozen

    1. Yeti Imp - 1 cost 1/2 imp pet zombie - Uncommon - Beastly

    This zombie cannot be frozen

    1. Dodo Rider - 3 cost 3/3 imp pet zombie - Rare - Beastly

    This zombie cannot be frozen or moved

    1. Troglobite - 4 cost 3/6 history zombie - Super-Rare - Hearty

    When played: Create 2 Yeti Imps in random lanes

    1. Weasel Hoarder - 5 cost 4/6 professional pet zombie - Super-Rare - Beastly

    When destroyed: Create 2 Ice Weasels next door

    1. Ice Weasel - 2 cost 2/3 pet zombies - Uncommon - Sneaky

    When a plant is played here, do one damage to that plant

    1. Sloth Gargantuar - 6 cost 5/5 gargantuar pet zombie - Super-Rare - Beastly

    When destroyed: Make 3 Yeti Imps here and next door

    This zombie cannot be frozen

    1. Zombot Tuskmaster 10,000 B.C. - 8 Cost 2/2 science pet zombie - Legendary - Beastly

    When played: freeze three random plants

    When anything is frozen: This gains +1 attack and +2 health

    1. Parachute Drop - 3 cost professional trick - Uncommon - Hearty

    Make a Lost Pilot here

    1. Lost Pilot - 3 cost 3/4 professional zombie - Token - Hearty

    2. Bug Zombie - 3 cost 1/3 pet zombie - Rare - Brainy

    When played: This may carry a Adventurer Zombie, Conehead Adventurer, or Buckethead Adventurer

    When destroyed: Create the zombie this Bug Zombie is carrying

    1. Adventurer Zombie - 1 cost 1/1 professional zombie - Uncommon - Brainy

    2. Conehead Adventurer - 2 cost 2/2 professional zombie - Uncommon - Brainy

    Armoured 1

    1. Buckethead Adventurer - 4 cost 3/4 professional zombie - Uncommon - Brainy

    Armoured 1

    1. Porter Gargantuar - 5 cost 4/5 professional gargantuar zombie - Rare - Sneaky


    When hurt: Make a random imp that costs 3 or less in a random lane

    1. Imp Porter - 4 cost 1/3 professional imp zombie - Super-Rare - Sneaky


    When destroyed: Make a Porter Tent Environment here

    1. Porter Tent - 4 cost environment - Token - Sneaky

    Start of turn: Create a random zombie that costs 3 here

    1. Relic Hunter Zombie - 4 cost 3/6 - Super-Rare - Sneaky

    Start of turn: Conjure a random trick that cost

    1. Jetpack Zombie - 3 cost 2/3 science zombie - Uncommon - Brainy


    1. Blastronaut Zombie - 4 cost 4/4 science zombie - Rare - Brainy

    Amphibious, Frenzy

    1. Shield Zombie - 5 cost 3/4 science zombie - Super-Rare - Brainy


    Zombies here and next door are untrickable

    When played: Zombies here and next door cannot be hurt this turn

    1. Bot Swarm - 3 cost science imp trick - Super-Rare - Sneaky

    Create 2 Bug Bot Imps in random lanes

    1. Bug Bot Imp - 2 cost 1/2 science imp zombie - Token - Sneaky

    2. Robo-Cone Zombie - 5 cost 4/5 science zombie - Super-Rare - Hearty

    Armoured 1

    When played: Make a Conehead Zombie

    1. Disco Jetpack Zombie - 4 cost 3/2 science dancing zombie - Rare - Crazy


    When played: Make a Jetpack Zombie

    1. Mecha Football Zombie - 5 cost 5/5 science sports zombie - Legendary - Hearty

    Bounce all plants behind another plant

    1. Gargantuar Prime - 6 cost 4/6 science gargantuar zombie - Legendary - Beastly

    All gargantuars have strikethrough

    1. Zombot Tomorrow-tron - 7 cost 6/5 science zombie - Legendary - Brainy

    When played: Make a Jetpack zombie in every lane

    1. Dark Ages Gargantuar - 6 cost 4/7 gargantuar zombie - Rare - Sneaky


    1. Wizard Zombie - 4 cost 0/2 mustache zombie - Super-Rare - Brainy

    End of turn: Destroy a random plant and make a 1/2 Zombie Sheep there

    1. Zombie Sheep - 1 cost 1/2 pet zombie - Token - Brainy

    2. Zombot Dark Dragon - 6 cost 6/6 science pet zombie - Legendary - Brainy

    When played: Make a Hot Lava environment in all ground lanes

    1. Punk Zombie - 4 cost 3/4 dancing zombie - Super-Rare - Crazy

    When played: bounce all plants in the same lane as a dancing zombie

    1. Glitter Zombie - 4 cost 3/5 dancing zombie - Super-Rare - Crazy

    When played: Zombies next door cannot be hurt this turn

    1. MC Zom-b - 4 cost 3/4 dancing zombie - Super-Rare - Crazy

    All dancing zombies have splash damage 1

    1. Hair Metal Gargantuar - 6 cost 5/7 dancing gargantuar zombie - Legendary - Crazy

    All gargantuars have splash damage 2

    1. Breakdancer Zombie - 6 cost 3/3 dancing zombie - Super-Rare - Crazy

    When played: bounce plants next door

    1. Arcade Zombie - 7 cost 6/8 party zombie - Legendary - Crazy

    Armoured 1

    End of turn: Create a 8-Bit Zombie, 8-Bit Conehead, or 8-Bit Buckethead next door

    1. 8-Bit Zombie - 1 cost 1/1 party zombie - Token - Crazy

    2. 8-Bit Conehead - 2 cost 2/2 party zombie - Token - Crazy

    Armoured 1

    1. 8-Bit Conehead - 4 cost 3/4 party zombie - Token - Crazy

    Armoured 1

    1. Boombox Zombie - 6 cost 2/2 dancing zombie - Legendary - Crazy

    All plants except Phat Beets and Super Phat Beets have 0 attack this turn

    1. Zombot Multi-Stage Masher - 4 cost dancing science environment - Legendary - Crazy

    When you play a dancing zombie here, it does a bonus attack

    1. Jurrasic Garganuar - 7 cost 4/8 history garagantuar zombie - Super-Rare - Hearty

    All gargantuars have Deadly

    1. Jurrasic Bully - 4 cost 3/5 professional zombie - Rare - Beastly


    1. Jurrasic Rockpuncher - 5 cost 3/7 - Super-Rare - Beastly


    When this destroys a plant: make a Hot Lava environment here

    1. Pompadour Zombie - 2 cost 1/2 professional party zombie - Uncommon - Hearty


    1. Conehead Pompadour Zombie - 3 cost 2/3 professional party zombie - Uncommon - Hearty

    Armoured 1, Amphibious

    1. Buckethead Pompadour Zombie - 5 cost 3/5 professional party zombie - Rare - Hearty

    Armoured 1, Amphibious

    1. Bikini Zombie - 2 cost 2/1 professional party zombie - Uncommon - Hearty


    1. Conehead Bikini Zombie - 3 cost 3/2 professional party zombie - Uncommon - Hearty

    Armoured 1, Amphibious

    1. Buckethead Bikini Zombie - 5 cost 4/4 professional party zombie - Rare - Hearty

    Armoured 1, Amphibious

    1. Fisherman Zombie - 3 cost 2/5 professional sports zombie - Super-Rare - Sneaky


    End of turn: Move a plant

    1. Super-Fan Imp - 3 cost 2/2 sports imp zombie - Rare - Sneaky

    When this does damage: do 2 damage to all plants here and next door, then destroy this zombie

    69(nice). Cardio Zombie - 6 cost 3/7 sports zombie - Legendary - Hearty

    Start of turn: All zombies gain +1 health and +1 attack

    1. Caketank - 5 Cost 4/6 gourmet party zombie - Super-Rare - Crazy

    When destroyed: Make a Super-Fan Imp, Jester Zombie, four 1/1 Imps here, or the plant player gains +1 sun

    1. Centurion Zombie - 6 cost 5/4 professional sports zombie - Legendary - Hearty

    Armoured 1

    When hurt: make a random sports zombie in a random lane

    1. Healer Zombie - 4 cost 2/4 professional history zombie - Legendary - Brainy

    End of turn: Heal all zombies and the zombie hero for 2

    When destroyed: Make a Healing Staff here

    1. Healing Staff - 2 cost 1/3 history zombie - Token - Brainy

    End of turn: Heal all zombies and the zombie hero for 2

    1. Roman Shield - 4 cost history trick - Super-Rare - Sneaky

    All zombies on heights and in environments gain untrickable and armoured 1

    1. Zcorpian Zombie - 5 cost 2/6 history zombie - Super-Rare - Crazy

    When this does damage, make a random zombie that costs 3 or less in a random lane

    1. Zombie Medusa - 5 cost 3/7 history zombie - Legendary - Beastly

    When this hurts a plant, that plant loses all attack next turn but also gains armoured next turn, but loses armoured 1 the turn after

    1. Roman Caesar Zombie - 4 cost 2/5 gourmet history zombie - Super-Rare - Crazy

    When this hurts a plant, that plant loses 1 attack

    1. Gladiator Gargantuar - 7 cost 6/9 history gargantuar zombie - Super-Rare - Hearty

    Armoured 1

    All gargantuars have armoured 1

    1. Piano Zombie (forgot to add this one earlier) - 5 cost 4/4 dancing zombie - Rare - Beastly

    When destroyed: Gain a B-Flat

    1. Brickhead Zombie - 5 cost 4/5 professional zombie - Rare - Hearty

    Armoured 1

    1. Z-Corp Zombie - 1 cost 1/3 professional zombie - Rare - Hearty

    When destroyed: Gain a Zombie Middle Manager

    1. Z-Corp Conehead - 2 cost 2/3 professional zombie - Rare - Hearty

    Armoured 1

    When destroyed: Conjure a random professional zombie

    1. Z-Corp Buckethead - 4 cost 3/5 professional zombie - Super-Rare - Hearty


    When destroyed: Gain a Zombie Middle Manager and Conjure a random professional zombie

    1. Vase Gargantuar - 5 cost 5/5 party gargantuar zombie - Super-Rare - Sneaky


    Gravestones cannot be destroyed

    1. Hamster Ball Zombie - 4 cost 2/3 party pet zombie - Super-Rare - Beastly


    Armoured 1

    This zombie can be played during tricks

    submitted by /u/PrinceOPancakes
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    They can be the other way in the zen garden...

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Cherry bomb is still the best

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:41 AM PDT

    Favorite sun producer?

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 04:27 AM PDT

    Mine is Primal Sunflower because it's highly spammable and produces a lot of sun.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Lukranion
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    I can now modify MC-ZOM-B

    Posted: 17 Jun 2020 12:30 AM PDT

    I now have access to the mc-zom-b script and im wondering how I should modify him.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/I-can-speak
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    the cursed ones

    Posted: 16 Jun 2020 08:04 AM PDT

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