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    Monday, April 27, 2020

    Plants vs Zombies [Arena] Gumnut - Raptors playing teleportational necromantic zombie football

    Plants vs Zombies [Arena] Gumnut - Raptors playing teleportational necromantic zombie football

    [Arena] Gumnut - Raptors playing teleportational necromantic zombie football

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Note: Practice is available 1 day early (Sunday). New tournament starts tomorrow (Monday). Enter Arena leaderboard first so that the game "knows" your current league, then enter Practice. Otherwise zombies will be too weak (Soil level probably) compared to real Arena and your strategy will not work as good as you think.


    Special rewards: my prediction - #5 Reinforce-mint family pinata.


    Locked plant: Gumnut.

    Sun: 1000.

    Plant Food: 3 at the start.

    Time: 3:00.


    Banned: the usual 6 (Perfume, Gold Leaf, etc).

    Zombies: Jurassic (Imp, Basic, Cone, Bucket), Bull, Shield, Robo-Cone, Mecha-Football, Deep Sea Garg, Garg Prime.


    Ambushes: 2-4 Raptors appear early. 5 Pterodactyls appear near the end of the match.

    Note: Raptors are especially dangerous when combined with portals and necromancy.

    Far Future portals: 2:40, 1:25, 0:50 C8L2 and 0:15 C7L1&4: Shield, Robo-Cone, Mecha-Football

    Big Wave Beach portals: 2:10, 1:10, 0:40, 0:10 C8L4: 2 Surfers, Octo.

    Tombs: 5 tombs C6-8 - arrow pointing to zombies. More tombs: 2:20 C6 3 tombs, 2:50 C6 2 tombs, 1:15 C6-7 10 tombs, 0:45 C6-7 7 tombs, 0:30 C6-7 3 tombs.


    2:15 Shield and 2 Robo-Cones

    1:45 Robo-Cone and Mecha-Football

    1:10 Deep Sea Garg, Mecha-Football, 2 Shields and 2 Robo-Cones

    0:40 Garg Prime, 4 Jurassic Buckets

    0:20 3 Jurassic Buckets

    Note: portals, dynos, tombs and necromancy may depend on the number of zombies killed instead of time.

    Note: If you don't have problems with killing a lot of zombies (f.e. Blover) then try not to destroy tombs before necromancy works, because the score for a tomb doesn't include scores for all zombies that could possibly appear from it.


    Buffz: Reinforce-mint (+100%), Spear-mint (+100%).

    Bruisez: Arma-mint (-50%). Note: see Buffz&Bruisez explained for bruised special attacks.

    Ineffective: No.


    Minimum info about your strategy: league, plant levels/mastery and score. Or you can post screenshot with the score. Otherwise it's hard to understand whether your strategy will work for other players with different plant levels/mastery and in different leagues.


    Useful links: Battlez/Arena FAQ, Mastery and Buffz&Bruisez explained, Seeds for Coins Rotation, Costume cycle, Plants' costumes.

    submitted by /u/Tigerol
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    Sad gamer moment (reposted from Facebook)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:55 PM PDT

    Made a PVZ2 Plant Tier List

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 03:57 PM PDT

    15 seconds into the game....

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:46 AM PDT

    Big walnut time

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    Yes this is a repaint by me

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 01:22 PM PDT


    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Which Grave buster design was better?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 02:11 PM PDT

    Another World Idea Because Why Not

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 06:19 PM PDT

    I have no intro this time so here's the thing.

    World Name- The Final Frontier

    3, 2, 1, BLASTOFF! Take off to the moon in 2027, when space travel was at it's absolute finest! This time, zombies have now taken over the moon with the help of their secret space organisation known as NAZA. This may be one small step for zombie, but it is one big leap for plant kind!

    World Year- 2027

    World Gimmick:

    -Sun will no longer fall from the sky

    -Since all zombies wear space helmets, Magnet Shrooms are able to take them. The thing is however, the space helmet does not affect a zombie's health like a cone or a bucket would, and taking a helmet off of them does nothing. It basically just becomes a distraction for Magnet Shroom

    -Shadow Plants don't need Moonflower for their shadow ability to be functional

    -An event gimmick will happen every now and again calling "Dark Side of the Moon". When this happens, the screen will turn pitch black and you will be unable to see what is going on for about 10 seconds, although plants or projectiles with fire on them will produce small light (so things like Torchwood or Fire Peashooter's fire peas will produce small light. Plants or projectiles without fire on them, even if they are from the Pepper-Mint family such as Ghost Pepper, will not produce light. The plant or projectile itself needs to be on fire. Sun can also produce light too, but not the plant which produces the sun).


    Plant Pot

    Sun Cost- 25

    Recharge- 5 seconds

    Toughness- 300

    Damage- NAN

    Range- NAN

    Ability- Allows plants to be planted on non fertilised ground

    Plant Food- Create a plant pot on tiles directly next to this Plant Pot, except for tiles directionly next to this diagonally

    Family- Reinforce-Mint

    Almanac- If you thought Plant Pot was cool before from being a plant AND a pot? Well guess what now! Not only is he a plant and a pot, he's ALSO an astronaut! Is he cool yet!? No... okay.


    Sun Cost- 75

    Recharge- 5 seconds

    Toughness- 300

    Damage- NAN

    Range- NAN

    Ability- Produces light in a 3x3 area

    Plant Food- Permanently produces light in a 5x5 area

    Family- Enlight-Mint

    Almanac- He quotes the phrase, "Let there be light", a little too often.


    Sun Cost- 150

    Recharge- 15

    Toughness- 300

    Damage- 20 (300 Health or less) 60 (300-560 Health) 80 (560-1100 Health) 100 (1100 or more)

    Range- Straight

    Ability- This plant will fire petals, which will do more damage depending on how much health the zombie the petals has when it hits it. When a Moonflower is nearby, this does an extra 50% damage

    Plant Food- Primular will send in explosive petals from the left side of the lawn, one petal for each lane. The damage these petals do 3 times the amount of damage Primular's normal petals do, depending on what zombie their petals hit first. These petals will explode making a small explosion when they make contact with their first zombie doing 'normal' damage to any zombies in a 1x1 tile radius

    Family- Conceal-Mint

    Almanac- "You should never be to hard on the small ones," Primulunar says, "But that doesn't mean you shouldn't push them a little bit."

    Cosmic Flower

    Sun Cost- 275

    Recharge- 10

    Toughness- 300

    Damage- 30

    Range- Straight (Piercing)

    Ability- Shoots a rainbow beam that pierces through all zombies in this lane, making all zombies hit drop little sun. If however a zombie is taken out, it drops a medium sun.

    Plant Food- Shoots a giant but short lasting beam that does giant damage to all zombies in this lane, making them drop medium sun regardless on whether or not they have been taken out or not

    Family- Enlighten-Mint

    Almanac- She used to be an astronaut once. Yep, that's right. The first flower that ever went to space, but unfortunately enough she was sent to space in order to find out what happens when something enters a black hole, and of course she didn't know about this until it was too late. Well, I'm not quite sure if she benefited from it, but she sure is different and she likes it that way.

    Shooting Starfruit

    Sun Cost- 350

    Recharge- 30

    Toughness- NAN

    Damage- 80

    Range- Straight

    Ability- (Instant Use) Shoots an abundance of stars from her points at zombies, while she rapidly spins around. After this, she disappears.

    Plant Food- NAN

    Family- Appease-Mint

    Almanac- Her playful little cousin, Starfruit, really wants her to fight zombies with her. Thing is... she's waaaaaay too busy to stay around and fight zombies. She just says, "If you need me, I only have 5 seconds," and she stands by what she says.


    Sun Cost- 300

    Recharge- 50

    Toughness- 300

    Damage- NAN

    Range- NAN

    Ability- When a plant eats Plant Food, this plant in the tile right of this also does it's plant food ability

    Plant Food-

    Family- Enchant-Mint

    Almanac- This kid can play any kind of music on that crazy synthesizer of his. Disco? Yep! Funk? Yep! Heavy Metal? Surprisingly enough, yep! But don't ask me how he does Heavy Metal with that thing.


    Sun Cost- 600

    Recharge- 60 seconds

    Toughness- 400

    Damage- 200

    Range- Straight (5 tiles in front)

    Ability- Will occasionally shoot an slow moving avocado seed, bypassing all zombies. Once the avocado seed has travelled 5 tiles, it will transform into a black hole pullling in all zombies in a 3x3 area (except Gargantuars) into it causing massive damage to zombies. The black hole lasts about 4 seconds before disappearing. All zombies who survive the black hole will continue walking on the lane they're now on. After all of this, Astrocado will charge up for his next avocado seed (which takes about 35 seconds)

    Plant Food- Astrocado will instantly shoot a large fast moving avocado seed which bypasses all zombies. Once it has travelled 5 tiles, it will transform into a supernova black hole pulling all zombies in a 7x5 area into it's black hole, doing ludicrious amount of damage. All zombies who (somehow) survive this will continue walking on the lane they're now on and Astrocado will charge up for his next avocado seed (which will now take 60 seconds instead of the usual 35, but will return to 35 after he releases his next avocado seed)

    Family- Arma-Mint

    Almanac- If it wasn't for Astrocado, Cosmic Flower would not be here today. Because of this, Cosmic Flower has been trying to pay Astrocado back for his generosity and they hold a great friendship together.


    Basic Astronaut Zombie

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 200

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- NAN

    Almanac- He spent so long trying to become a zombie astronaut. He trained for years, holding his breath, trying not to die. Everything! But... then that faithful day did he realise he died when trying to hold his breath for 20 seconds, and everything he did could be easily be done by an Imp.

    Conehead Astronaut Zombie

    Toughness- Protected

    Health- 560 (360: Roadcone | 200: Zombie)

    Speed- Basic-

    Ability- NAN

    Almanac- He was just like a child wanting to bring his teddy bear on vacation, he couldn't leave his road cone behind.

    Buckethead Astronaut Zombie

    Toughness- Hardened

    Health- 1300 (1100: Bucket | 200: Zombie)

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- Astronaut Helmet will be taken by Magnet Shroom before the bucket

    Almanac- A bucket ON TOP of a helmet! This is revolutionary stuff right here!

    Flag Astronaut Zombie

    Toughness- Basic

    Health- 200

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- Acts like a normal flag zombie but when Flag Astronaut makes contact with it's first plant, it will stab it's flag into the ground destroying the plant

    Almanac- The only reason why he wanted to go to space is to stab a flag into the ground. No other reason.

    Blastronaut Zombie

    Toughness- Protected

    Health- 350

    Speed- Flighty

    Ability- Blastronaut Zombie will fly over all but the tallest of plants

    Almanac- Yes, Blastronaut Zombies did exist in 2027, they just didn't go around flying on Earth until 500 years later.

    Moonwalker Zombie

    Toughness- Solid

    Health- 450

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- A few seconds after he enters the lawn, he will summon 4 Basic Astronaut Zombies around him to protect himself. He will continue to resummon them after a while if they die.

    Almanac- Any resemblance between this zombie and a person living or dead is purely coincidental... again.

    Moonjumper Zombie

    Toughness- Solid

    Health- 450

    Speed- Stiff

    Ability- Moonjumper Zombie will jump very high in the air and be able to jump over even the highest of plants. Also, this leaves there being a small amount of time for him to be hit, but he can be hit easily with catapult plants

    Almanac- UUUUUP and down and UUUUP and down and UUUUUP and down!

    Lunar Rover Driver

    Tougness- Machined

    Health- 950

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- Will crush any plants on contact

    Almanac- Driving on the moon is a helluva lot more fun on the moon, he'll tell you that!

    Moon Rock Miner

    Toughness- Dense

    Health- 500

    Speed- Stationary (When mining) Basic (When moving)

    Ability- When he first appears, he will stand still mining up moon rock and start moving. As he moves, he will throw moon rocks at plants in a lobbed angle which will go over even the tallest of plants.

    Almanac- "If I dig deep enough and long enough, surely I'll find that moon cheese!" He's been telling himself that every day for years.

    Bio-dome Botanist

    Toughness- Solid

    Health- 400

    Speed- Stiff

    Ability- Biodome Botanist will leave mould (which you cannot plant on) where ever he goes. If the mold is not planted on soil, it will disappear after 10 seconds. If it is however planted on soil however (plant pot soil or normal soil), it will be permanent. Biodome Botanists cannot grow on soil where there are plants however so using Spikeweeds and Spikerocks will be effective against him.

    Almanac- He's planted and grown 100 different plants in space. Guess how many survived. Zero!

    Astro Ant Colonist

    Toughness- Dense

    Health- 560 (360: Ant Colony Box | 200: Zombie)

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- Holds an ant colony box in front of him. When Astro Ant Colonist looses 360 health, his glass box breaks releasing tiny ants which will rush into your defences. However if the ants are in space, this ants die after 3 seconds.

    Almanac- Ants in space. Why? Gosh, I don't know.

    Astro Ant

    Toughness- Fragile

    Health- 50

    Speed- Flighty

    Ability- Rushes at top speeds when their ant colony box is broken. Will die automatically after 3 seconds if in space however

    Almanac- Their colony was doomed from the very beginning

    Astronaut Gargantuar

    Toughness- Great

    Health- 4000

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- Crushes plants on contact with his spaceship and throws an Astronaut Imp when he loses 50% of his health

    Almanac- How do you get a Gargantuar to space? I have no idea!

    Astronaut Imp

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 200

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- NAN

    Almanac- You could fit a million of these little buggers in one of NAZA's spaceships

    Radio Communicator Zombie

    Toughness- Solid

    Health- 300

    Speed- Average

    Ability- If not killed quickly enough, Radio Communicator Zombie will talk on his radio which will call in more zombies. Radio Communicator has a 10% chance to call a Rocket Pilot instead, even before the day Rocket Pilot first shows up

    Almanac- "This is Major Brains to Ground Control!"

    Astro Chimp Zombie

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 250

    Speed- Speedy

    Ability- When Astro Chimp eats a plant, it moves to a lane adjacent to the one it's currently on

    Almanac- Here's a fact about zombies. No matter what species of Earth creature the undead has possessed it will still only groan brains even if that organism can't speak English.

    Advanced Bucket Astronaut

    Toughness- Machined

    Health- 1500 (1300: Advanced Bucket | 200 Zombie)

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- Astronaut Helmet will be taken from Magnet Shroom before the advanced bucket

    Almanac- It's 75% more advanced than an average bucket!

    Mission Specialist Zombie

    Toughness- Protected

    Health- 550

    Speed- Stiff

    Ability- Mission Specialist Zombie will order a every unit of a specific zombie to change lanes every 10 seconds

    Almanac- To be honest he has no bloody clue what he's doing. He thinks all he needs to do is to tell zombies to do a thing and then he's done... but it's a lot more complicated than that.

    Payload Specialist Zombie

    Toughness- Protected

    Health- 900

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- Gives Basic, Conehead and Flag Astronaut Zombies advanced buckets as he walks by them

    Almanac- "And YOU get an advanced bucket and YOU get an advanced bucket! EVERYBODY GETS AND ADVANCED BUCKET!"

    Satellite Astronaut Zombie

    Toughness- Machined

    Health- 650

    Speed- Speedy

    Ability- Satellite Astronaut Zombie will circle around the lawn as great speeds, and will occasionally shoot a giant laser beam destroying a small ground of plants. Due to being in the sky, it can only be hurt by catapult plants. If he is not destroyed after a minute, he will shoot one last laser beam at your defences, destroying plants in a 3x3 area and fly of screen.

    Almanac- Shooting laser beams is so much fun. All you need to do is to aim, fire then BOOM!

    I.Z.Z. Robot

    Toughness- Machined

    Health- 1700

    Speed- Stiff

    Ability- NAN

    Almanac- The process of making this robot and how long it took... let's just say it was veeeeery frustrating for Zomboss to get his engineers to just do simple AI working.

    Neutron Imp

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 300

    Speed- Flighty

    Ability- NAN

    Almanac- It's an identifying flying imp!

    Lunar Alien Zombie

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 450

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- Can completely bypass through plants. Leaves a radiation like trail as he walks. This radiation will stay until a few seconds after Lunar Alien dies, and plants on the radiation will receive damage

    Almanac- This guy is actually here to eat your liver

    Astro Engineer Zombie

    Toughness- Solid

    Health- 500

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- Engineer Astronaut will heal nearby machinery such as Lunar Rovers, Neutron Imp UFOs and Advanced Buckets

    Almanac- There's nothing that him and his fancy shiny screwdriver can do... except for anything that has nothing to do with machinery.

    Rocket Pilot Zombie

    Toughness- NAN

    Health- NAN

    Speed- Flighty

    Ability- Rocket Pilot while occasionally fly across the top of the screen, usually during Waves. While the rocket passes, he will drop a group (3-10) of random zombies somewhere in the rightmost 6 lanes of the lawn.

    Almanac- "How do you fly this thing?"

    N.A.Z.A. Saturn Z

    Toughness- Undying

    Health- 18500

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- Flies around the lawn sending in zombies from above. During this time, Zomboss cannot be hurt. The only time he can be hurt is when the Saturn Z's propulsion system burns out, where he falls on the floor. He also tends to burn rows of plants with his propulsion system. During later phases, he will start to linger further into your defence and drop zombies further into the lawn. During his final phase, he calls in two satellite zombies with him (which are both indestructible and will never leave) to help him causing even more havok. If his propulsion system burns out in your defence, it will crush any plants and zombies where it falls.

    Almanac- How to name a rocket: 1) Find a cool sounding rocket made by N.A.S.A. 2) Replace any individual letters in the name with the initial of your last name. 3)

    Extra Stuff

    Demonstration Mini-game-

    In this minigame, the dark side of the moon appears to be appearing much more often and for longer times too. The screen will be pitched black like it usually is, the only light source coming from plants or projectiles that are on fire. Every now and again, there will be light but only for very short periods before it being pitched black again. The dark side of the moon lasts for about 7-15 seconds and periods for when the moon is on it's light side last for about 3 seconds. If you want to see in this minigame, your best bet is to use plants such as Pepperpult, Fire Peashooter or plants that produce a lot of sun.

    submitted by /u/AngryMustache9
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    Is it worth it to grind the rest of the crowns for this?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    They're groovin' (Roman Level Pack Teaser)

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    What is the best time in pvz 2

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:26 AM PDT

    I remembered watching Zackscott played New worlds from 2014-2016, good old days

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DoubledRex
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    Friend: you cant place a bunch of nuts together and expect people to get it. Me an intellectual:

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:23 PM PDT

    [Arena] Gumnut - 3.1m

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Who... baked hot potato

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Plants Vs Zombies - Graze the Roof Baroque Style Cover

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Wait for it...

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 02:46 AM PDT

    Is PopCap trying to tell me something or what?

    Posted: 27 Apr 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    Invincible Prospector??

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    I was doing the Premium Plant quest for Apple Mortar (the one with Lightning Reed and Dinos), and a Prospector was kicked into my Phat Beet by a Raptor, with it being attacked by 3 Beets, 3 Mortars, and 6 Reeds, you would think it wouldn't last, right? Well while being stunned by the Mortars, it wouldn't die! It stayed there for what felt like at least 20 seconds! It's arm was even off, but it wasn't dropping. I even sent the mower at it, but nothing. I eventually resorted to using the Power Toss, and that got rid of him. What was up with that???

    submitted by /u/Shniztastic
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    I dont know how i won.

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 04:30 AM PDT


    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    More profiles?

    Posted: 26 Apr 2020 07:42 PM PDT

    How do I make another profile in this game? I know there used to be a button whenever you went to switch that would let you make another but I don't see it there anymore. Was the feature removed or something?

    http://imgur.com/a/6TQaEjJ < Link to show no button for new account there

    submitted by /u/TheGamerBruv
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