• Breaking News

    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Plants vs Zombies I’ve never seen anything like this before

    Plants vs Zombies I’ve never seen anything like this before

    I’ve never seen anything like this before

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 06:34 PM PDT

    Animated Ice Shroom!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 07:27 PM PDT

    I draw now ice shroom in pvz2 style

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:53 PM PDT

    Wallnut is done with yo crap

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:26 PM PDT

    Wait,thats illegal

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Very Accurate

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:37 AM PDT

    Rate my PLANT shelf (this is clay figures.)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Thanks EA, very cool...I can't see shit

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:14 AM PDT


    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:04 PM PDT


    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    laser bean why you sleep on me

    Posted: 21 Apr 2020 03:37 AM PDT

    here's some concept art of a game I might work on, robots vs.... well, more robots!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:49 PM PDT

    Imp might be a plantophile !!!

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Shine Vine vs Zomboss Arena

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:54 PM PDT

    Plants Vs Zombies 2: New World Concept

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:58 PM PDT

    Let's be honest, Popcap and EA need to realise a new world at some point. Yes, we know that the conflict between the player and Zomboss has ended and EA has kept the fanbased somewhat interested realising new plants all the time and with the new inclusion of Penny's Persuit added into the mix, but we all crave for a new world with new gimmicks with new zombies, and the fanbase has shared some of their own ideas, and that is why I am doing the same.

    The First Fleet


    During the years of 1788-1850, the British started relocating convicts to Australia. They were all transported by boat, alongside of course, the British Guards that will be keeping guard of them for the time being. It was a tough and awful experience being on those ships, especially if you were a convict which is why you, Crazy Dave, and Penny will be boarding these ships


    Every now and again (usually at the start of waves) the ship will start to rock around, causing plants to move tiles forward or backward. This will also temporarily affect zombie movement too. If the ship is turning to the right, zombie speeds will be lowered and plants will be moved closer to the right. If the ship is turning to the left, plants will be moved closer to the left and zombie speed shall be increased. How long the ship shall turn is mostly random. The 3 lengths on how long the ship can turn, those being 3 seconds, 10 seconds and 25 seconds. Also while the ship is tilted, plants that shoot straight such as Peashooters or Repeaters will not be able to hit zombies from far away similar to the Roof Levels from PVZ1, so using lobbed plants will be ideal.



    Sun Cost- 125

    Recharge- 7 seconds

    Toughness- 300

    Damage- 30

    Range- In Front

    Ability- Starts puking on nearby tiles either in front or behind it when zombies get near. The puke poisons and slows down zombies and disappears after 5 seconds

    Plant Food- Pukes up puke in 6 random lanes, all doing 60 damage each instead of 30.

    Almanac- What is it? Common cold? Flu? Well, whatever it is I'm glad I'm not him

    Family- Ail-Mint

    Anchor Berry

    Sun Cost- 200 sun

    Recharge- 20 seconds

    Toughness- 800

    Damage- NAN

    Range- NAN

    Ability- Place this one either side of the ship to balance on the way that the ship rocks. For example if you play an Anchor Berry on the left side of the ship, when the ship tries to rock to the right, it will not because the Anchor Berry is too heavy. If you play an Anchor Berry to the right, when the ship tries to rock to the left it will not. However, if you plant too many Anchor Berries on once side, this may cause the ship to rock to the side the Anchor Berries without even the game causing it to rock because the Anchor Berries's weight are heavy enough to rock the boat on it's own

    Plant Food- The Anchor Berry will restore all it's health and gain 100 more toughness. If you are on The First Fleet however, Anchor Berry will also purposely cause the ship to rock on the side the Anchor Berry is on for 20 seconds

    Almanac- You may think that he's heavy because he's fat and whatnot, but it's not. The sad truth is that he has a heavy heart, and just wants a hug

    Family- Reinforce-Mint

    Hunger Grain

    Sun Cost- 100

    Recharge- 25 seconds

    Toughness- 50

    Damage- 800

    Range- In Front

    Ability- Attracts nearby zombies to this plant. This plant will start biting zombies in front of it dealing big damage. When it is eaten, it does one last massive chomp before disappearing, dealing massive damage to zombies on Hunger Grain's tile

    Plant Food- Hunger Grain will do one massive attack, dealing massive damage to all zombies 4 tiles in front of this plant, in the lane this plant is in and lanes adjacent.

    Almanac- When he says that he wants to have a bite, he REALLY means it

    Family- Enforce-mint

    Sour Grapes

    Sun Cost- 100

    Recharge- 12 seconds

    Toughness- 300

    Damage- 50

    Range- Straight

    Ability- Does quick little damage to all non plant entities on this lane and lanes adjacent to this

    Plant Food- Does big damage to all non plant entities on this lanes and lanes adjacent to this. After doing this, it will have to cool off for about 7 seconds.

    Almanac- You can't really blame him for his sour attitude. If you were stuck on a puke scented ship for 12 months with criminals and thieves and being fed garbage, you'd be pretty sour too

    Family- Appease-Mint

    Punish Shroom

    Sun Cost- 200

    Recharge- 25 seconds

    Toughness- 350

    Damage- 600

    Range- Anywhere this lane

    Ability- Does massive damage to zombies on the lane this is on when they eat or destroy a plant

    Plant Food- 5 select plants of your choice has their toughness reduced to 10. If those plants are eaten or destroyed no matter where those plants are, this Punish Shroom will do massive damage to the zombie that eats or destroys it

    Almanac- He is the first and only plant in history who has worked for the law as a constable although unlike most constables at the time, Punish Shroom enforces punishment only when criminals deserve it.

    Family- Ail-Mint


    Basic Convict

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 200

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- Just like your normal, everyday zombie

    Almanac- You'd think that he got arrested for stealing brains, but no. He was actually arrested for zombie trafficking. Well, that just changes everything now doesn't it.

    Conehead Convict

    Toughness- Protected

    Health- 560 (360: Cone| 200: Zombie)

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- It's a conehead and not much else

    Almanac- He was arrested for stealing something that wasn't even invented yet. Makes sense.

    Buckethead Convict

    Toughness- Hardened

    Health- 1300 (1100: Bucket| 200: Zombie)

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- It's a buckethead zombie, but only smellier

    Almanac- So what's inside the bucket? Puke, rotten fish, more puke, more rotten brains. Oooh! Is that a piece of mouldy brains and cheese in there?!

    Flag Convict

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 200

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- His flag marks the arrival of a seasick wave of zombies

    Special- Only appears during a Huge Wave of Zombies

    Almanac- I'm not sure what he got arrested for. Maybe it's the flag, but it's probably the shoes he's wearing.

    Seasick Convict

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 200

    Speed- Stiff

    Ability- He throws up on plants when the ship rocks, poisoning them which does damage

    Almanac- Him and Pukecumber both (surprisingly enough) have the same doctor

    Starving Convict

    Toughness- Solid

    Health- 250

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- He changes to adjacent lanes if that lane has more plants than the one he's currently on. If there's a Hunger Grain on either side of the lane he's currently on, he goes for the Hunger Grain regardless of how many plants there are on that lane

    Almanac- Oh boy is he hungry, he doesn't care what he eats. That's why he only has one hand!

    Thieving Zombie

    Toughness- Average

    Health- 350

    Speed- Flighty

    Ability- Thieving Zombie will run extremely fast to your closest plant, take it and run off with it off screen. It will keep coming back to steal a plant until it is destroyed. If it is destroyed while it's holding a plant, the plant is placed on the tile Thieving Zombie was destroyed

    Almanac- He'll steal everything you got! Money, food, personal property, but his favourite thing he likes to steal is your left shoe and ONLY the left one.

    Child Convict Zombie

    Toughness- Basic

    Health- 200

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- Child Convict will move to adjacent lanes that has a defence weaker than the lane that he's currently on

    Almanac- Not only is he the first zombie to fight for brains as a young child but he's also the poorest.

    Smuggler Convict

    Toughness- Basic

    Health- 400

    Speed- Basic (Normal), Speedy (Retreating)

    Ability- When Smuggler Convict is destroyed, it has a 30% chance to drop either coins, gems, plant food (even without glowing), seed packets or mints. Also, once it gets hurt for the first time, it will retreat off the lawn similar to how a Treasure Yeti does

    Almanac- He can smuggle anything you want. Brains, drugs, underpants. You name it!

    After Day 16, we move from the insides of the ship to the top deck. The Top Deck doesn't introduce any new word gimmicks are game mechanics, but it does introduce to a bunch of new zombies who work for the First Fleet, and they want your brains just as much as the convicts do!

    Anchor Sailor Zombie

    Toughness- Hardened (Anchor) Average (Zombie)

    Health- 1500 (1200: Anchor | 300: Zombie)

    Speed- Stiff (with Anchor) Hungry (without Anchor)

    Ability- Carries a heavy anchor which protects him from straight on attacks similar to Screen Door Zombie. Once it make contact with a plant for the first time, Anchor Sailor Zombie will drop his anchor on it, destroying it. After this, Anchor Sailor acts like a Basic Zombie but goes at the speed of Hungry instead of Basic and with a little more health. The anchor does make weight so depending on where it is placed, it may cause the ship to rock. The anchor also can be destroyed, similar to Graves or Octopus.

    Almanac- It may look like Anchor Sailor is big and strong from having to carry that anchor all the time, but that's not the case. The anchor is made out of plastic!

    Supply Box Zombie

    Toughness- Solid (Box) Average (Zombie)

    Health- 600 (400: Box | 200: Zombie)

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- Supply Box Zombie pushes a big box similar to Togolobite. The box will destroy any box plant on contact and when the box is destroyed, it will either release coins, gems, or a handful of Convict Imps

    Almanac- Why are Convict Imps in the Supply Box? Well, they are very tender.

    Constable Zombie

    Toughness- Solid

    Health- 600

    Speed- Stiff

    Ability- Constable Zombie will gradually speed up the more it is hurt. It's maximum speed is Speedy

    Almanac- He's been running laps around the ship all day, there's nothing that's gonna slow him down!

    Marine Soldier Zombie

    Toughness- Protected

    Health- 900

    Speed- Stiff

    Ability- Marine Soldier will stand behind all zombies in that lane, shooting plants from afar

    Almanac- His favourite thing to do on the ship is to shoot various birds from a distance away, but it was all fun and games until the shot their master's pet bird Polly. Oh boy, did Hell break loose then

    Constable Gargantuar

    Toughness- Great

    Health- 3600

    Speed- Basic

    Ability- When he enters the lawn, his weight will cause to the ship to rock, depending on how much weight has already been put onto the ship from the Anchor Berries, other Constable Gargantuars and the random times the ship decides to rock

    Almanac- He knows he's supposed to be harsh on the convicts, but he does feel bad for the Imp Convicts

    Imp Convict

    Toughness- Fragile

    Health- 150

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- A weaker version of an Imp due to being poor and starving

    Almanac- He may be hungry and poor now, but back in his day, he was the littlest rascal in England.

    Marine Wife Zombie

    Toughness- Solid

    Health- 400

    Speed- Stiff (With Marine Soldier Zombie) Basic (Without Marine Soldier)

    Ability- She stays with Marine Soldier Zombies, and heals them overtime if they are not being attacked. If there are no Marine Soldier Zombies in a tile in front or behind her, she basically acts as a Basic Zombie with more toughness

    Almanac- She said the thought of settling in Australia was like having a permanent vacation!

    First Fleet Captain Zombie

    Toughness- Hardened

    Health- 700

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- He makes Marine Soldiers, Constable and Constable Gargantuars in a 3x3 area become faster in movement and attacking

    Almanac- He's always making sure that the Marines and Constables are always at top notch. Work must be at top notch! Looks must be at top notch! Even their eyeballs, must be at top notch!

    S.S. Convict-O-Tronic 3000

    Toughness- Undying

    Health- 19000

    Speed- Hungry

    Ability- S.S Convict-O-Tronic 300 will send out Convict Zombies at your defenses, but after his loses 40% of his health, he will begin to send out Constable Zombies and other zombies that work for the ship. He will also jump around the ship causing the ship to rock, but due to his outstanding weight, he may fling some more lightweight plants of the ship (for example: Hunger Grain). He also likes to shoot anchors at plants (which takes place of Rockets and Missiles like most Zombot Robots do) which may rock the ship.

    Almanac- Hmmm. This robot looks similar to the that one Zombot in Pirate Seas. It looks different, but it sure does show some resemblance. Zomboss has been running out of ideas, hasn't he!

    Other Stuff

    Demonstration Level-

    idk, this can be you to decide what it is

    submitted by /u/AngryMustache9
    [link] [comments]

    Current Tournament Crown Farming

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 08:24 PM PDT

    Is it worth it to throw every other game in the current tournament to farm crowns since the game gives you two gauntlets for your first win on the streak thing for this one, or is there a better F2P method? I wanna know so I can try to get the 1000 crown reward thing of a bunch of shine vine packets (Currently at 338)

    submitted by /u/TheGamerBruv
    [link] [comments]

    Is there a plant you "main"?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I'll probably be downvoted for this, but my mains are apple mortar and electripea. they just feel so smooth to use and I love them. Are they worth 5$? Hell no. I bought them with leftover play cards.

    submitted by /u/PublicTrash
    [link] [comments]

    Peashooter x Sunflower (NSFW)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:39 PM PDT

    Making Pixel Art of Plants- Day 19: Gatling Pea (I couldn't fit his gun barrels)

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 04:22 PM PDT

    Chomper is

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:18 PM PDT

    Does anyone see this offer in the store or is it just available if you don't have unlocked Shine Vine yet?

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 03:17 PM PDT

    Wait... That's quite unexpected...

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    Set up for lazy folk who doesn’t want to constantly replace wasabi. Its pumpkin time to shine.

    Posted: 20 Apr 2020 11:36 AM PDT

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